Chapter 10 😏

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Mike:don't leave this house for the rest of the week
Derek:why I was about to go get food
Mike:because it's safer in the house
Derek:what you mean
Mike:can you just listen to me
Derek:no I wanna know why I can't leave the house
Mike:because you can't
Derek:and why not
Mike:I want you to stay in the house
Derek:but I don't want to
Mike:but you need to

Derek:why do I need to stay in the house
Mike:cause I want you alive
Derek:and why wouldn't I be alive
Mike:because you won't no can you stay here till I get back
Derek:why won't I be safe
Mike:Derek can you just fucking listen to me for once and stay in the house
Derek:fine but can you bring me Kobe and vallyk some food back pls
Mike:Fine whatever bye stay safe call me if you need me
Derek:ok bye

Mike leaves and comes back a hour later crying and blood cover him

Mike keeps repeating its for Derek until Derek comes downstairs

Derek:mike is that.....omg are you ok
Mike:you want the truth

Mike:this guy contacted me and said if I didn't kill his wife he would kill you that's why I stabbed that lady she was his wife I meet up with her today to warm and he saw us so he started chasing us and I killed him....

Mike then realized what he just said and had a whole panic attack

Mike:omg I killed some I'm a monster I'm going to hell I deserve to die I should've let ballo do it when he was

Derek pulls mike into a hug

Derek:first off you are not a monster and your not going to hell and why didn't you tell I could've helped you
Mike:I didn't want you hurt and I am a monster I killed somebody

Derek:your not a monster mike I promise you that ok that man deserved it ok and if I was to get hurt it would of been ok I don't care if I get hurt as long as your ok I'm ok mike so if something like this happens again tell me I promise you I can fix it and I won't even have to leave the house and neither will Kobe and vallyk but you gotta tell me these type of things I'll  handle it next time I swear to you Mike I can

Mike:the guys brother is climbing through vallyks window as we speak

Derek grabs mikes gun and runs upstairs and kills the guy and wakes up Vallyk


Derek and vallyk come downstairs

Mike:he's son is in the kitchen I wouldn't touch those are vallyks cookies

Vallyk shoots the guy

Vallyk:nigga I don't share

(Me:I'm black)

Derek:is that all of them
Mike:Yeah but your ex will knock on the door in




There was a knock on the door


Nothing much to say so just vote and comment

Mike and Derek🦋??????

Secret couple🥂???????

Hate any of the characters yet😤??

Ok by love you guys💕


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