Chapter 17 💖

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Vallyk:if you didn't want to be with me you could've said that then standing me up
Kobe:I'm so sorry baby I was feeling good last night remember so when you left the room I took medicine which caused me to sleep all day I just woke up I promise I wanna be with you I love you please forgive me please

Vallyk:I'm sorry
Kobe:no it's my fault I should've been more smart and only took one pill instead of two but I'm ok now how about we go out and go to a restaurant I'll rent out the whole place and it can special for just us wanna do that because I'm so sorry I slept this long

Vallyk:all that for me
Kobe:yes for you I'll take you the a drive in movie and we can cuddle in the front seat and watch the movie and then we can walk the broad walk at the beach just us hand and hand to end the night off how does that song

Vallyk:it sounds amazing bubba
Kobe:ok come back home we can shower together get changed and go to the restaurant we'll leave in like an hour because the restaurant closes at 3 drive in movie starts at 3:45 and after that we'll walk the beach and watch the sunset

Vallyk:ok I'm on the way
Kobe:alright see you when you get home

Downstairs with mike and Devin

Devin:why'd you put on so much clothes when there just going to end up on the floor
Mike:Devin what are you talking about

Devin:oh I get it you just wanna make it hard for me but lucky I like playing rough but I do wanna warn I do get aggressive

Jazmine:Hi uncle Mike
Derek:sorry she begged me to come say hi
Mike:hey princess and it's fine
Jazmine:can you make me some ice cream dada ate mine
Derek:it was looking to good
Jazmine:and if he makes me another one he'll eat it again
Mike:ofc I'll make you one come on I'll be right back Devin
Devin:alright babe

Mike goes and makes the ice cream

Vallyk came back they took they're shower changed and went to go do their plans

When mike gets back

Devin grabs mike's hand and brings him upstairs and throws him on the bed

Mike:I thought we were staying downstairs
Devin:nope I wanna do you dirty in your own room
Mike:What do you mean
Devin:I love this innocent act your putting on all know your a dirty little slut

(Sorry I don't know how y'all right smuts I could never)

Mike:I'm so confused
Devin:mmm that cute little voice is going to drive me crazy.


Devin starts rubbing on mikes dick

Devin:Damn baby your packing
Mike:umm pls stop
Devin:I love this foreplay

Devin starts kissing mike's neck and mike passes out from his anxiety

Devin:mike mike MIKE

Derek:what the fuck happened

Kobe and vallyk come home early because it started raining

Kobe:why are y'all yelling
Jazmine:mike mike is hurt
Derek:yelling Put her in the car and get her travel toys
Kobe:alright come on jazmine mike mike will be ok

They all get in the car and go to the hospital they take mike and they have to wait in the waiting area

You know the drill hey y'all again I'm on a roll I know I know and there going to be another chapter so yeahhhh

Thoughts on Devin
Thoughts on Kobe
Thoughts on Vallyk
Thoughts on jazmine
Thoughts on Mike

Irwin is still daddy but yeah byyyeeeeee


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