Chapter 4😶‍🌫️

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Derek:I didn't know Mike I'm sorry

Mike:You wanted to break up not me but I respect you and your chose I didn't mind the breakup it was that you dated Kobe after you said u left me because we were better off friends  and u met Kobe the same time u met me and if u didn't want to be me then u could have just said that 

Derek:I- I'm so sorry Mike
Mike:I told you I'm over it no need to say sorry ik the real reason why we broke up now but u and vallyk should get together my ex wants me back so I'll just go back to him
Derek:I'm not getting back with Kobe and u talking about the abusive one
Mike:He changed and I said Vallyk not Kobe
Derek:mhm just don't bring him over here I don't want to beat his ass for the third time
Mike:fine just don't tell Kobe you know how he gets
Derek:I'll think about it

Derek goes upstairs

Mike:just tell him after I leave *yells*

Mike leaves to go see ballo

(Me:He's dumb ass)

Vallyk:what u think they talking about
Kobe:shit idk
Vallyk:I hear someone coming

Derek walks in the room

(Me:here he come snitching)

Derek:Kobe I need to talk to you
Vallyk:should I leave??
Derek:no you should be aware too
Kobe:ok speak nigga


Derek:ok nigga damn mike is getting back with ballo
Kobe:Wait ballo ballo the abusive one
Derek:So basically mike and ballo dated back in 10 th grade and about 1 month into the relationship he got abusive and would hit mike for no reason for example he slapped mike because he went downstairs to get food I beat his ass twice and he still was doing that shut until Mike finally broke up with his ass

Kobe:then ballo stalked us that's why we moved out here

Derek:and now mikes back with him I told him don't bring him over here unless he wanna see him get his ass beat again

Kobe:ballo used to be in the management but was kicked out cause our manger found out about him hitting mike
Vallyk:why would he go back to him then
Derek:I honestly don't know

Btw it's the same Ballo Kobe dated but Kobe and Ballo dated in middle school 6th grade he wasn't abusive back then

2 hours later~

Mike comes back into the house and runs to his bedroom and hides under his blanket and crys

Vallyk:tf was that
Kobe:ion know
Vallyk:go check Derek
Derek:Unt unt I'm scarred
Kobe:I'll do it
Vallyk:be safe

Kobe leaves and realizes it's mike and goes to mike

Mike:who is it
Kobe:me Kobe

Mike is crying softly

Kobe:you ok
Mike:yeah just don't touch my blanket
Kobe:why would u tell me that now imma-

Kobe sees mike crying and grabs him and hugs him

Mike:Kobe he didn't change
Kobe:I'm finna kill him now
Mike:no I was just two minutes late he didn't like that and fucked up my face and no I'm not showing u
Derek:Im finna beat his ass come on kobe
Kobe:you forever coming out of no where
Mike:pls don't I'll just break up with him and never date em again
Kobe:and then we'll kill em
Mike:Kobe no now can y'all leave me alone so I can't put makeup on my face
Derek:nah I'm with Kobe we should blow his brains out

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