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I was sitting with Heather at the party as Bishop came over to us with the drinks. "Thank you"heather spoke. "What are we toasting" Bishop asked, "no more gym" I spoke, "no more gym shorts" Bishop responded.  "Final collection" Ray called walking round to people with a pot of money.

"Final collection" he said walking over to Bishop "rules are rules". "Schools out okay, I'm-im not even playing" Bishop stated to him, "think of it as insurance" "it's gonna be one hell of a summer" Ray responded to Bishop. "Yeah I mean come on man I'm not gonna play" Bishop uttered, Ray grabbed him and pulled him forward, "we're all playing fucker." "Ray" Heather called, "one way or another, a dollar buys you a prayer" he replied. He pulled Bishop again "Ray stop" I shouted, "you want your money I'm gonna need my arm back" Bishop told Ray. "I'm just fucking with you" Ray laughed walking off.

A minute later Natalie walked over and sat down with us "ooh what did I miss." "Oh were toasting to a future free of Ray hall" "ugh, that guy sucks." "He's not that bad" I admitted, "he is" Natalie spoke. "I'm going to go find the bathroom" I said walking off to go find the bathroom.

I twist the handle of the bathroom and open it to see Ray making out with a girl. "Oh sorry" I apologised making the girl walk out just leaving Ray and me standing there. "Just can't get enough of me can you" he questioned, "I just needed to use the bathroom"I responded making him walk out of the door "go ahead" he spoke as he started to walk away.

I walk back to everyone dancing "come on kaylee" Natalie called to me holding out her hand which I took and danced with her. There was a bang which made me jump and look towards where it came from "Jesus what the hell dude" Diggins yelled, "I'm sorry man my hand slipped" "yeah onto a lighter" "my hand slipped." "The thing is uh dick-ins, everybody gets a little jumpy before judgement" "diggings,diggins,diggins that's what,that's what I said, any word from the judges" Ray began. I stopped lisening and turned back to everyone else. "Still think he's not a dick" Bishop asked me, "ugh it's debatable" I responded.

I opened the trailer door and walked inside to see my mum asleep on the sofa, I walked over and grabbed a blanket near and put it on her. I walked into my bedroom and laid down in my bed.

A/N: I will make the next parts longer I just wanted to get this one finished and I haven't edited any of these so they may have a couple mistakes. I'm now working on the next couple of parts and they will be done today.

The only end - Ray HallWhere stories live. Discover now