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I sat in the front of Bishops car waiting for Heather and Lily. They ran out and opened the doors to the car and climbed in.

"Rents due again huh" Bishop said before driving off.


We arrived at the library to drop lily off. We all walked in with her.

"Okay bug I will see you here back at 4:00 but Bo is gonna pick us up after his shift" Heather told Lily.

"Bye" Lily said while waving.

"So Bo and your mum are back together again?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, this week they are" she responded.

"After I make some copies of my resume do you think you can drop me off at links? I heard that they might be hiring" she asked Bishop.

"Yeah what's the point of even looking for a job if you're just gonna play the game?" Bishop responded.

"Cause I have $17.26 in my savings account" she told him.

"Ooh" he responded.

"Have you um talked to Nat at all, she hasn't really answered any of my calls it's been two days" I asked Bishop.

"Look it's Nat okay? I mean you know how she gets this will all blow over" he responded.

"Neither of us meant to lie" heather answered for the both of us.

"I didn't even really mean to jump but when i was up there it was like I had to do it" I spoke.

"But you don't" he responded.

"You think we should quit?" Heather asked him.

"Yeah I mean players do it all the time" he answered.

"No" I responded getting a little mad.

"Look panic is bullshit kaylee" he began, "it's-it's bullshit and it's-it's dangerous a-and two kids died last year so-so what's the point, I mean you know you can't win you know you're just gonna be sidelined."

"Is that what you think?" "You think I can't win?"
I asked mad.

"No I-I" he began before I cut him off.

"I bet that's what everyone thinks." I walked off.


I was in the car with Bishop and we drove to Natalies so me and her could make up. Her and heather already had and they had made an alliance to work together and split the money.

We walked up to Nat on the step and Bishop began talking.

"All right remember the court rules: no cursing, spitting, hitting or crying because I think I ran out of tissues."

"Can you just..can you just give us a second" i asked him.

"Yeah, yeah h-happily yeah."

"Can we go talk over there" I pointed to the chairs.

"Fine" she replied.

We walked over to the chairs and sat down.

"So" she said.

The only end - Ray HallWhere stories live. Discover now