Wild Thing

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Izzy's POV

       The classroom was filled with chatter as everyone talked amongst themselves, Axl and I were bullshitting with each other until the teacher started teaching the lesson. "So as the Atoms move in place" The teacher said before she was interrupted, "That is a bunch of bullshit" A voice said. I looked back to see this beautiful girl staring at the teacher, "Would you like to teach the lesson Mrs Gunner" The teacher impatiently asked? "No but I would like to demonstrate just how fucking stupid you are" She said. I almost choked when she said that, Axl was laughing his ass off, the girl had dirty blond hair, piercing blue eyes and absolutely no manners. She sat with her feet on the desk and her posture slumped over. "Do we need to call your Dad" The teacher asked? She shrugged "Do it I dare you" She said. Just then the bell rang and we all stood up and we started walking out, "Hey Ax can we wait I wanna meet that girl she looks as if she could use some friends" I asked? He shrugged and we stood waiting outside of the school, the girl came out and started walking, "Hey wait up" I yelled and started towards her. Axl and I caught up to her and we all walked side by side, "Hi" I said quietly. "Hey" She replied, "I'm Jeff and that Will" I stated, she nodded then stuck her hand out "The names Emaline" She said. Wow her voice is so angelic when its next to you, "Do you maybe wanna hang out today" Axl Asked? She nodded and mumbled a sure and that was a start to something beautiful.

A/N Sorry this chapter sucks but it'll get better eventually

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