Train Tracks

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Jeff's Pov, his house. 5 months later.

         Emaline has basically moved in which I don't mind because Axl basically lives here to but I totally understand his situation but I don't really understand why she likes it here so much. I'm currently sitting here watching Em give Axl a stick and poke its hilarious, "Ow son of a bitch" Axl cried out. Emaline looked up and rolled her eyes, "Pussy" She mumbled. I laughed at the two, they're always arguing with each other its really funny. I must admit I've grown feelings for Em but she probably doesn't feel the same as I do. Anyways she finished Axl's tat and we all walked to the Train Tracks which is where we usually hang out, I pulled two joints outta my pocket and handed one to Axl and he lit his as I lite mine, I took a drag then passed it to Em.

                                                                                   Later that night, Iz's POV

It was now around Midnight and Ax went back to my place to sleep so it was just Em and I, we were both laying down looking up at the midnight stars. I looked over at her and she looked over at me, "What's wrong Izzy" She asked? "I like you" I blurted out then put a hand over my mouth. She looked at me dumbfounded, "I like you too" She said quietly. I leaned in as she did the same, eventually our lips met and we moved together after we pulled away I grabbed her and threw her over my shoulder causing her to giggle. I ran back to my house with her over my shoulder and I was quiet when I went through the living room cuz Axl was sleeping on the couch. I laid her on the bed softly and turned around, I grabbed a book and flopped down, I opened the book and started reading. I felt her place her hand on my inner thigh I continued to read until I felt it on my cock, I looked down at her and she was grinning. She moved down and squeezed my dick causing me to groan softly. She unzipped my pants and pulled them down and licked my shaft, I squeezed the bedsheets as she started bobbing her head up and down. I softly grabbed her hair and helped her get the speed that I liked. Soon enough I finished and was breathless, she came back up and laid on my chest, "was that any good" She asked? "That was fucking amazing" I replied, "It was my first time" She stated. I looked at her, "Are you still a Virgin" I asked? She nodded, I rolled over so that she was under me and I grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it off then I unclipped her bra and unbuttoned her pants so she was in nothing but underwear. She pulled at my shirt until I lifted my arms and she pulled it off. I rubbed her clit through her underwear until she was gasping and grabbing at my arms, "Jeffery please" She moaned. I nodded and pulled underwear off, slipping one finger into her wet pussy, I started thrusting my fingers in and out whil curling it then I slipped another finger in stretching her out. I pushed faster and she moaned and cursed under her breath. I pulled my fingers out of her licked them then lined my erect dick up with her, "Are you sure" I asked? She simply nodded. I slowly pushed myself into her until I was fully in, "Ow" She gasped at the sudden sharp pain, I didn't move until I felt her push against me, I thrusted slowly. "Izzy faster" She demanded. I thrusted faster and deeper, she moaned loudly, I grabbed her leg and threw it over my shoulder and I placed my hand on her shoulder to give me more grip and control. I thrusted deep and fast, "Fuck Jeff I'm gonna" She started. I moved my hand from her shoulder to her cheek, leaning down to kiss her passionately, "Cum for me baby" I whispered into her ear. I kept thrusting letting my head rest on her shoulder. She gripped onto my forearm and moaned out loudly as she came, which caused me to Cum with her.
I rolled off her and she cuddled up against me pulling the covers over the both of us. She fell asleep quick as did I.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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