Chapter 23 || Some Help

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|Jungkook's POV|

After calming down with Jimins help the two of us sat down at the kitchen table, drinking tea as I recollect myself and my thoughts. "So.. what are your options?" Jimin asked starting the conversation that was bound to come sooner or later. I sigh as I stretch my arms out, "I think I'll have to drop out of school to get a full time job if I don't want to end up on the streets".

"What about your friends? What will you tell the school? They'll definitely want to see your parents.." Jimin had a point but what else was there left to do? I can't just start stealing or get into some shady business, it wouldn't help me in the long run and the risks are too high.. "I know but I'm really against the wall here.."

"Then I'll help you".

"What?" I furrowed my brows look up at the guy sitting across from me. "You heard me, I'll help you" he said it so casually I almost felt quite frightened, "you can pay me back another time, I don't care if it's money or just some good deeds, as long as you won't decide on any rash decisions I'm fine with helping you as much as I can".

"But you really don't have to–"

"I insist" he pressed on and I knew I couldn't argue more, I needed the help even though I refused to admit it, "but.. it will mean I'll have to tell my aunt" he added, my body stiffened and I began feeling uncomfortable with the way things may go. "Don't worry, my aunt is more understanding and emphatic than you think, I bet she'll help without a word" Jimin reassured me and I nodded agreeing to this small plan we decided on. It was going to be hard, at least for me, but it had to be done since it was the best option so far.

Jimin stayed with me until late afternoon before going home to explain everything to his aunt, I can't lie, I felt extremely anxious while waiting for a call from him to tell me what is going to happen next, so when the call actually came, I hesitated to even answer it, thankfully I did. "Hello?" I said nervously.

"Hey, so I talked to my aunt and we decided to offer you a small weekend job" Jimin said through the phone.

"A job?" I questioned, "Yeah, you'd be tutoring my brother for about three hours and we'd give you a 100" He said and I almost choked on air, "100?!"

"Yeah, is that not enough?" He questioned and once again, I nearly choked on air.

"No, no! That's not what I meant, but isn't it too much for just tutoring?" This time I was the one questioning, even my weekly convenience store doesn't pay me that much for three days worth but Jimin's family is willing to pay this much for just three hours? I could barely believe it.

"It's not a big deal really, I'm looking for a part time job myself and aunt already gets paid enough for her job so you don't have to worry" he reassured me. "Well.. alright but it just seems a bit much.."

"Then you better work hard to feel like you earned it" he added and I nodded even though I knew he wouldn't be able to see it.

"So when do I start?" I asked.

"Whenever you have free time, preferably sometime at the weekend but it's alright if you can't make it on the weekend" Jimin suggested and I quickly reached to the back of my mind to figure out when I have enough time in a day to do tutoring. "Um, I should be free on Wednesday afternoon and early Sunday morning so I guess whatever is more convenient with you is fine" I say scratching the back of my neck hoping I didn't remember my schedule wrong. "Either is fine, you can choose the day depending on how tired you are. Just let me know before hand" he said and thanked him. I was about to hang up before he spoke up again, "I know it's not really my place to say this since we're not close but.. since I know you aren't telling your friends anything feel free to come and talk to me, even if it's just to listen, I'll do it" he said with a gentle voice. "Thanks.. I might.." I replied and then hung up.

Looks like my life is going to take a turn, whether it's for the best or not..



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