Chapter 24 || His presence

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|Jimin's POV|

In a way I felt conflicted about the situation I suddenly found myself in with Jungkook. Sure, it really had nothing to do with me but of course my kindness or foolishness has won over and I just had to lend him my hand. "I guess it's finally time to admit that I've taken a liking to him.." I murmured under my breath while scrubbing away at the persistent dirt on the baking tray. "Did you say something?" Suddenly being taken out of thought I slightly turn to look at my brother who was reading some comics at the kitchen table while slowly eating an apple.

"Huh? Ah, no.. just talking to myself" I say giving him a quick smile before turning back to the dishes. "Man, you need to stop that, it's creepy and makes you look insane" Jihyun shrugged looking away from me and back at his comic. Being done with the dishes I turn off the tap and dry my hands before once again turning to face my brother, "aren't you supposed to be preparing for your first tutor session?" I inquired crossing my arms. "Nah, I still got plenty of time, your friend isn't getting here until quarter to" he shook his head not even giving me a single glance as he spoke. "Well my dear brother I'm sorry to announce it to you that it's already twenty to, so unless you can magically have everything ready in less than five minutes then you might be in a bit of a pickle" I pointed out making Jihyun instantly turn to look at the time in disbelief and just as he did that the doorbell rang. We both knew who it was and I, without any hesitation, moved swiftly towards the door opening it for Jungkook, "hey.." I greeted the guy, stepping aside for him to come in. "Hi, I'm a tiny bit early but that shouldn't be a problem right?" He came in instantly taking off his shoes and putting on the guest slippers, "oh by the way, cute apron" he added pointing towards my aunt's apron that was filled with cartoon style drawn animals. For some reason that remark made me get flustered from embarrassment but I chose to ignore that feeling and just follow Jungkook into the kitchen where Jihyun tried his hardest to set up the material they'll be covering.

"Tea? Coffee?" I offered, pouring water into the kettle to boil some water. "Tea please" Jungkook smiled while taking a seat next to Jihyun who asked for the same, "so, we've briefly met before, I'm Jeon Jungkook, nice to meet you Park Jihyun" as always Jungkook was being his overly friendly self and even in the corner of my eye I could see him reaching out a hand for a handshake with that stupid grin of his. I was fairly surprised at the fact that Jihyun actually was nice enough to shake his hand since normally he's a complete asshole to others, but I guess the fact that Jungkook will be quite bit of help for him to not fail this year kind of changed his attitude towards him.

The two of them seemed to start off with a small talk to get to know each other a little and also talk about the material they have to go over. Of course I wasn't going to distract them so I quickly got the guys their drinks and saw myself out, or at least that was the plan. "Where are you off to?" Jungkook asked stopping me in my tracks. I turn on my heel raising an eyebrow, confused "What do you mean? I'm not gonna stay and distract you guys" I answered with the most obvious answer. "Oh.. right, forgot that might be a bit distracting" Jungkook smiled, scratching the back of his head guilty. I guess he never tutored anyone before..

I smiled gently and took my leave.

It's been weird having Jungkook around a lot.. turns out everyone in the house took a liking to him and soon he became a regular in our house. I didn't mind it as much as I probably would've about two months ago, in fact, I was quite happy I had someone my age around me. I always wondered what it was that made people drawn to him but getting to know him bit by bit slowly made me understood why, although I doubt that my reason would be the same as others. I didn't get a choice, this guy was literally everywhere I was: school, my work and now also my house. Of course school was a bit different, after all he has his own friends so he'd spend most of the time with them but every now and then he'd come up to me at break or lunch and sit with me. It surely brung some attention onto us since I wasn't exactly known for having any acquaintances, let alone friends.. yet he still didn't mind any of that which frankly made me really happy.

Today I promised to visit Jungkook at work. We didn't specify exact time so I took that into my own hands and decided to go after dinner. Taking a stroll down the town I made my way towards that small convince store where I could spot the guy from afar from the glass windows. I smiled seeing him resting on the counter, looking tired and bored as ever. I didn't blame him.

Walking inside I was met with the soft door bell, signalling that someone has entered the shop making Jungkook instantly get up and seem ready to serve. Taking two bottles of vitamin ice tea I headed towards the counter to greet the guy and also pay for the drinks. "Long shift?" I questioned as I watched Jungkook lazily scan the two bottles, keeping his gaze on them. "You wouldn't believe how tired and bored I am of this.." He mumbled shaking his head slightly, "2.50.." He added on, passing the drinks to me. "One's for you" I said after taking one bottle, leaving the other one still on the counter. Jungkook seemingly not expecting me to get him a drink, he took the drink in hand and carefully opened it before taking a big gulp of it, "thirsty much.." I mumbled seeing how almost half of the bottle was already gone. "I don't get many breaks, what can I say?" He shrugged, I smiled under my nose.

"How long are you working til today?" I asked leaning against the counter. "Probably until 2am, depends when my coworker decides to show up" he replied throwing away the empty bottle and as if he heard us talk, Jungkook's coworker walks in and clocks in. Jungkook asked me to wait for him outside the shop so that's what I did. I couldn't lie, it was cold and I didn't really dress up the warmest. Thankfully Jungkook didn't take too long and soon he came out in his normal clothes. "You ready?" He asks and I nod before we make our way back.

We walk in a comfortable silence as the street lights showed us the way home. Our steps ever so slightly in sync with each other and although all of this was nice I couldn't help but feel like something wasn't right.. ah yes.. it was Jungook being unusually quiet but then again he seems quite exhausted so I don't blame him for not having the energy to speak. Whilst being so lost in thought I didn't even realise when Jungkook stopped walking until he stopped me by grabbing the sleeve of my sweater. "Jungkook?.." I turned my head taking a glance at him but his head was held low, his fringe covering his eyes. I fully turned and took a couple steps towards him to look at him a bit closer, "You okay? Would you like to sit down for a bit?" I suggested but he only nodded. Finding a nearby bench I helped Jungkook sit down before seating myself next to him, not even a second after I feel his head rest against my shoulder, his hair brushing so slightly against my cheek as the soft wind blew, our pinkies just barely touching with the closeness of which we sat not too soon after small, delicate flakes made of snow started surrounding us, landing so slowly on his messy hair, eyelashes.. nose... lips....

What am I feeling? Fear? Confusion? Happiness?

Trying to rationalise my thoughts I suddenly felt really hot and tried slightly moving away but before I could Jungkook grabbed my upper arm with his left arm pulling me closer meanwhile with the other hand he did not hesitate to grab onto mine. "Stay" was all he muttered before once again silence fell on his lips.


Hi, I'm still alive


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