Chapter 6 || Jimin's Smile

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|Jungkook's POV|

Saturday came in the blink of an eye, mostly because this week has been a busy one. After having to learn and constantly try to talk to Jimin, I had to go to work where I was on my legs for another 5-6 hours.

Sadly, Saturday's aren't much different, I have work at the Café in the morning and late evening I work at a convenience store. Usually I'd use the spare time in between to catch up with any homework I missed.

Today though, is going to be a little different, after morning shift I'll be meeting up with Jimin. We'll be going to his house to officially begin our project.

I was actually looking quite forward to that meeting, considering that I barely go anywhere or meet anyone, so it's not all that bad.

After finishing my morning shift I got myself a medium banana milkshake and walked to town where Jimin told me to meet him. I stood by the fountain, scrolling through my instagram, texting Taehyung and Hoseok to fill them in on what's happening today. If I said that they were chill about this - I'd be lying, to my surprise they were more offended that I chose to proceed with the dare than to see if them two would want to hang out. I didn't blame them, I rarely see them out of school anyway.

As I stood still, my hands and eyes glued to my phone, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. When I turned to see who it was I was met with Jimin, but.. I think I overestimated his height.. Was he always shorter than me?

Jimin noticing my puzzled look, decided to ask about it. "What? Do I have something on my face or what?" He questioned instantly touching his face to see if there really is something there.

"Ah, no no, it's just.. I never realised that you're shorter than me.." I muttered, making Jimin scoff.

"I'm shorter than most guys so if we're done talking about my height, shall we go do something productive?" Jimin quickly replied with a tint of irritation in his voice making me realise that talking about his height might be a touchy subject; and I already knew that this would become a way for me to tease him in the future.

"Alright, alright! Drop the daggers!" Raising my hands up in defeat I followed Jimin as he led the way. He didn't have much to say so of course, I had to be the one to stir up some conversations. "I think we should get to know each other."

"I think we should not."

"Why though? Wouldn't it be easier for us to work together if we knew at least a little bit more about each other?" I continued, not letting this go. "I mean, think about it. If we find out our strengths and weaknesses then it'll be easier to put this project together, or at least it would make it faster." I explained trying to make a valid point. I didn't even realise when we got to his house because I was so busy trying to keep this conversation going.

"If you're in such a hurry you can always do it by yourself." Jimin huffed, tired of my constant talk.

"You know that that's not what I mean!" I exclaimed as Jimin took out his house keys to open the house. "Come on Jimin, why not at least give me a chance to be friends?" I suggested smiling kindly in hopes he'll at least consider this.

Jimin looked at me with a raised eyebrow, scanning my face. "I'll think about it." He murmured as he turned the key in the lock, pushed the door open and walked in, making sure I did the same before closing the door behind us. I mentally high fived myself, satisfied with the outcome while I took off my shoes and coat. Just as Jimin was about to say something, (probably to ask if I want anything to drink) a male voice echoed throughout the house, from what I could tell he was a bit younger than me and Jimin.

"Jimin-ah! Auntie went to work early, but there's no dinner! I'm hungry!" When both of us heard that I could tell that Jimin seemed irritated by what his brother - I assume, said.

"So what?! You've got hands, cook something yourself, I'm busy!" Jimin retorted hanging his and mine coat on a coat hanger. I didn't dare to say anything, knowing that it would be rude to get in between thier conversation.

"What?! Busy?! Likely joke!" In a matter of seconds I heard loud footsteps coming from upstairs. "Like hell you're busy-" Soon the footsteps neared as the guy was coming down the stairs. The second he saw me and Jimin in the hallway he froze in shock.

The guy squinted his eyes, as if to check if his eyes are deceiving him. Then he pointed at me before saying: "Holy shit!"

"Yah! Language!" Jimin quickly pointed out his brother's behaviour.

"You brought a human being home..." While still pointing at me the guy turned to look at Jimin as he said that before turning back to face me. "How the fuck did you manage to befriend my brother?" This time he asked me but for some reason I felt too awkward to think of an answer for this.

"Jihyun I swear to God if you don't watch out what words come out of your filthy mouth I'll personally clean it out with a sponge and soap!" Jimin threathened his brother which I found out was named Jihyun. "And he's not my friend but an annoying dude who eneded up being my partner in this project." Of course Jimin didn't wait to explain my non-existent relationship with him that I'm working on changing.

"You're right, he must be unlikable if he decided to help you with the project and not leave you to do it like everyone else." Jihyun added making me scoff.

"I'll have you know, I'm actually quite popular." I said even though I was bluffing since in reality, I only have two friends and we're known to cause trouble in class.

"Obviously not popular enough if I never realised you exist." This time, Jimin was the one to say something about me. Knowing he's not wrong I just puffed out my cheeks, looking away.

"Awh, Jimin! You made him embaressed! Anyway, I won't be in your way then. You two go study or whatever.." Jihyun said walking past us to the kitchen.

"I thought you said you can't cook?" Jimin said turning around to look at the walking kid.

Jihyun turned around to face Jimin while saying: "We have instant noodles, I just wanted you to cook me something since your food always tastes good." He explained with a cheeky smile, when I looked at Jimin to see how he reacted I saw a gentle smile form on his face.

This was the first time I ever saw his smile; it made me feel wierd, probabbly because no one at school ever saw him smile. I couldn't help but just stare at this rare sight, which got me caught..

"What are you staring at?" Jimin asked and his smile was instantly gone the second he turned to look at me.

"Sorry, I spaced out.. shall we begin working?" I said a bit embaressed that I got caught but I hoped that he didn't realise I was actually staring at him smiling; I don't want to be seen as a creep.


A bit of a longer chapter then usual but I don't think any of you mind that :)


Hope you have a wonderful day/night wherever you are!


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