Chapter 19 || His House

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|Jungkook's POV|

"Well, I've got you now, don't I?" Jimin said with some kind of certainty in his voice making a barely noticible chill run down my spine. I swallowed, before cracking a smile and saying: "Yeah.. I guess so." I don't think I ever expected him to say something like that but here we are, and it felt wierdly nice to hear it.

"What?" He said in a somewhat sour tone, making me look at him in question. "Do you suddenly not want to be friends?" Jimin crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow and I suddenly panicked that the guy took my reply the wrong way.

"No, no! I didn't mean it that way! I-"

"Jeez I know, I was just joking.." He cut me off, slapping me lightly on the arm. When did he get so comfortable around me? Jimin's phone suddenly buzzed making both of us look its way. Before I knew it, Jimin got up to look at his phone. I didn't know what I should focus on therefore I ended up observing Jimin as his eyes scanned the content on his phone yet the second his eyes searched for mine I felt the sudden urge of averting my gaze in embarrassment, but why? I didn't do anything wrong.. "You good?" He questioned, tilting his head to take a look at my face. I nodded quietly pretending to check my own phone. "Erm, well auntie just texted me saying dinner's ready so I guess we should head downstairs now."

"Already? Isn't it a bit too soon?" I asked surprised. That's when Jimin shook his head and showed me the time. Apparently the time that felt like merely twenty minutes was actually two hours. I felt wierd realising that but after all, I got up and went downstairs with Jimin where his aunt and little brother already sat at the dinner table.

I quietly sat next to Jimin as it was the only empty seat. Looking down at the food I instantly felt hungry but instead of eating I was admiring it as it was beautifully laid out on the plate, it was almost a shame to eat it. Up until now I fed off of junk food so no wonder I felt this way while other just dug in. "Jungkook, why aren't you eating? Do you not like this dish?" Suddenly all eyes were on me.

"Oh, no it's not that, I just- aren't used to eating proper meals..." I confessed, scratching the back of my neck.

"What are you? A hermit?" Jimin's brother commented and I could only hear Jimin's foot going straight for his brother's leg as he later hissed in pain and gave Jimin a look saying 'what was that for?' I gave out a small chuckle before replying: "You could call it something like that."

"You know, I just can't believe that my Jiminie finally got himself a friend." His aunt spoke and Jimin let out a groan while rolling his eyes.

"Aunt, please, I'm not a kid anymore."

"That's what they always say, but at heart you're still just a child." His aunt argued. Not wanting to listen to thier little bicker any longer as it only caused me jealousy, I finally dug into the food and didn't say anything. That was until Jimins aunt decided to make small talk. "So, Jungkook, what do your parents do? They must be very busy if they have to work on Christmas." The food I was just about to swallow stopped in my throat and my hand trembled a little.

"Well, my mom is a house maid and my dad is a lorry driver. The reason why mu mother had to be away is because the family she works at have promised her triple pay if she goes on Christmas holiday with them so she can clean thier holiday house, and since we struggle with money..."

"I get it, we struggled with money before as well, so you don't have to explain everything, but it is sad that you've been left all alone." Mrs. Park tried to emphasise with me but it didn't mean much as what I said was mostly a lie anyway.. and yet, I still felt sadness crawl over me at the second half of her sentence.



After dinner Jimin insisted on going for a walk as a way to speed up digestion which I personally didn't believe but went with it anyway. We walked in silence for a while until I realised that Jimin took us to an empty playground. I stood at the entrance as Jimin instantly went over to a swing. "Why are we in a kids playground?" I questioned, after all we're basically adults in a place for kids.

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