Chapter 13 || Hiding Your Scars

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|Jimin's POV|

"I'm fine, seriously." Even though I said that, a single tear fell down my cheek, catching even me by surprise. I instantly wanted to whipe it off with my sleeve as if nothing had happened, hoping the latter didn't saw that but it was dumb of me to think that as he is sat right in front of me, looking at me.

"I know it's not my place to say this but, it's okay if you're not fine. None of us really are, everyone just pretends in front of others." Jungkook spoke up, trying to comfort me, which made feel confused in a way, no one has comforted me except from aunt and Jihyun for years, so of course I'd find this wierd.

"Are you saying you're hiding your scars as well? Is there a part of you no one knows about?" I questioned feeling intruiged to which Jungkook replied with a small smirk but his eyes remained serious.

"Yes. There is a part like that. You have it as well." Was his answer and in all fairness I couldn't argue back or say much about it as he was right. "And would you look at that.. Park Jimin has somewhat opened up to me a little." Suddenly Jungkook changed the whole atmosphere of our conversation and I couldn't help but roll my eyes in denial.

"It's all because I agreed to be nicer. If that's bothering you I can always become meaner." I snapped back instantly furrowing my eyebrows to show the brown haired guy that it doesn't take much for me to change.

"No no, I find it nice. I haven't talked to someone like this for a long time." Jungkook admitted, restinf his chin on his palms, staring at me with intrest, making me lean back in my chair feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"You're so freaking wierd." I mumbled out as I crossed my arms. "Are you gonna stay for long? It's already half past seven pm." I added on, wanting to get rid of the guy soon, I still have things to work on and him being here is making me unable to do so.

Jungkook smiled bitterly before saying: "Why? Am I taking up too much of your head space?" He asked and once again I could feel myself cringe. The guy (instead of continuing being cryingy/annoying) suddenly straightened his back and his bitter smile faded. "Don't worry, I gotta go to work in about twenty minutes."

"But I thought you already worked?" I raised an eyebrow, confused. Does he work two times a day?

"I have, but that was only my first part time job. I still have to get to my second one." He explained roughly and I nodded in understanding.

"I guess you don't get much free time, then." After saying that I saw Jungkook nod slightly before looking up at the clock and getting up from his seat.

"Well, it was nice, Jimin, but I should get going. Work is calling." He announced, as he walked to the front door, sliding on his shoes. Getting up from the chair I walked up to the guy to see him off. When he was ready he looked up at me and smiled. "I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, goodnight." After that he opened the door and left without another word, or waiting for my goodbye.

I closed the door, locking it behind him as a deafening silence filled the house. Turning on my heel I went to clean up the kitchen before heading up the stairs to work on my homework but stopped by my brothers room to check up on him. I knocked twice before slightly opening the door, just enough for me to peek my head through. "Remember to not stay up too late, you'll end up falling asleep in school." I warned the younger, more annoying version of myself as the only answer I got out of that was a 'whatever'. Rolling my eyes I walked into my room and started to work on my homework.

The next day after school, both me and Jungkook agreed on working on the project at my house again. This time I had no issue with it as I now knew he has a tight situation at home. We were working while casually talking from time to time, I had to admit I started to get used to Jungkook's constant questions and stupid remarks, to the point I learned to not be bothered by them. We were working till late and even though I had two cups of coffee already I could feel myself fall asleep, but somehow, Jungkook seemed comepletly fine as if staying up late was a norm for him. As my eyelids became heavier by the second I decided to take a small nap and use Jungkook's shoulder as a head rest.

When my head came in contact with his shoulder I could feel him flinch in surprise. With the tiny amount of energy I had left in me I managed to mumble out: "Don't worry, I'm just taking a small nap.." and soon, I was obtained by the darkness.

/  /  /  /

Opening my eyes I found myself standing in the middle of a street. It was pitch black and I couldn't tell where I was. Not knowing what to do, I just walked forward hoping to find someone or something that would indicate where I am.

While walking down the street for what seemed like hours I finally caught a glimpse of a dim light in the distance, as if on autopilot I started running to that place suddenly realising the fear that I had built up in me because of the dark.

Altough I never feared darkness until now.

Getting closer to what seemed to be the answer to the unknown, the cold silence that embraced me was overshadowed by the sound of someone arguing, but I still couldn't see anyone. That is.. until I got to the light.

The second I stepped under the lamp light everything around me cleared up, as if the darkness was just thick fog.

Only when it was gone I realised how much safer I felt when it was there..

Before me I saw myself, but not my current self, my younger self. I was the one arguing.. and it was with him out of all people. At first I didn't realise where this was going but soon the reality hit me and I felt the urge to step in between them, to stop this from happening but no matter how hard I tried to shout or do anything to them; I was invisible.

That's when the past me said the last sentence he was going to hear from me.

"I wish we never met"

Just like that he turned on his heel and ran straight to the street. I gulped, as by now my face has sunken in despair and my eyes became waterfalls.

Don't do it.

I looked at myself but I was just standing still, oblivious to what was about to happen.

Please don't do it.

Turning back to look at him the time felt to slow, as each rapid step he took was nearing my worst nightmare.

Not again, please..

He ran into the middle of the street and a burning light that could blind you appeared out of nowhere before it consumed him with a loud screech of tires.


Bet yall wondering who this he dude is. Well, that won't be revealed just yet 🙊

But we do get a little more information on Jimins tragic past.


Hope you have a wonderful day/night wherever you are!

Stay safe~


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