broken wrists.

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I decided to walk to the bar tonight, purely because I have every intention of drinking a lot and I don't want to worry about having to get my car tomorrow. I'd rather just walk now and find some girl to occupy me on the walk home.

I probably shouldn't be thinking of who I'll be having sex with later considering the incredible foursome I finally was able to accomplish with my cleaning staff. After all, I think they finally got the hint that I wasn't going to make the first move and it was going to be all in their hands.

They each individually tried to flirt in a way where I would single them out and bring them to my bed but when they were all batting their eyelashes at me and tugging their shirts down so low, I couldn't help but suggest the idea of all going up together.

None of them fought against it as I think they were too thrilled by the idea of finally going to bed with me. As a result, I gave each of them all the incredible sex they deserved and an orgasm that will replay in their greatest of dreams every night.

God, I wouldn't mind doing that again.

I've had plenty of foursomes before and have even had larger groups of women but these ones were extra crazy and extra loud. It's unfortunate that they were so desperate to leave marks all over my neck as I never allow a woman to leave me a hickey because I am no ones.

I never want to give them that power of feeling as if I'm theirs once we leave the bedroom and move on with our lives. Therefore, whenever I feel as if a woman is spending too much time on a certain spot of my neck, I always push her away.

No one marks me as that's where I absolutely draw the line.

Women have made it their mission to be the one who finally marks me as word has certainly gotten around that I don't let anyone give me hickies. I find it annoying and not attractive in the slightest but somehow they always think they can be the one that's different.

Unfortunately, none of them are different. They're all the damn same.

I take my flask out of my pocket, having brought it for the walk over as it will be plenty good of a pregame for me before I plan on getting hammered in Niall's bar. It's good liquor and certainly will do the trick of making me feel something before stepping in.

I had gone with a look of leather pants, a notorious go-to of mine, and a black button down, purposefully leaving the top half completely unbuttoned as I accessorized with plenty of necklaces and rings in order to emphasize my trait regardless of the fact that practically everyone in town knows.

All topped off with my favorite pair of Gucci boots as I'd never want anyone thinking for a second that all my power doesn't come with a lot of money.

I feel fucking fantastic in my outfit but that's always the case. I hardly ever have a time where I look in the mirror and dislike the sight in front of me. After all, I have constantly been reassured by women of my beauty and certainly relish in every second of it.

In fact, even as I walk down the streets and catch the eye of many females who look to me, desperate for me to look back at them, I can't help but smirk. The feeling is indescribable as I can't imagine the fantasies that run through their head when they spot me.

"Yeah and I got the most amazing dress that I know you're going to love..."

Even though the words aren't directed towards me, my eyebrows shoot up, tempted by the thought of this dress that a female is talking about, with intentions of impressing someone with.

The voice is distant but close enough for me to hear as I continue to listen in on the one-sided conversation as they seem to be on the phone.

"It's light blue and absolutely stunning. I can't wait to show it to you and then we can pick out a matching tie and-"

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