white claw & cupcakes.

509 40 95

Josie's POV:

I've never celebrated a birthday with so many people before.

In fact, once the clock hit midnight and everyone immediately began to sing 'happy birthday' to me, I didn't know how to process it. I couldn't focus on anything in particular as Niall threw a drunk arm over my shoulders and practically spilled his drink all over me in the process.

Just as myself, Louis seemed as equally as thrown off and even uninterested as he just took the opportunity to chug the rest of his beer. Once the song wrapped up, almost every guy was offering to give me a drink or asking me to take a shot with them. Niall had tried to get me to go along with it but I only shook my head, not interested in the slightest.

My gaze only kept drifting off to Harry, wondering why he was across the room quite literally staring at me all night instead of sticking by my side as I had shamelessly expressed that I wish he would do. I'm nothing short of confused as he's watching my every move but not doing anything about my clearly uncomfortable demeanor.

Is it because we kissed?

Is he freaked out and now wants to be nowhere near me? I in no universe could've predicted Harry Styles kissing me the way he had and I almost wish he didn't just because I fear I'll never feel a kiss like that ever again.

In the corniest way possible, kissing him felt magical. I felt as if I was parched and he was my water, like I was starving and he was my food, like I was bleeding out and he was my bandaid. He was everything I needed at that moment and then I was taken away, just for both of us to carry on with our nights.

Why did he kiss me?

I know I'm too young for him and I know he's hardly the type to just kiss a girl. Did he do it to taunt me? Did he do it because he knew the effect it'd have on me? Did he do it to torture me by showing me a piece of him that I'll never have?

I don't know and I hate to say it but I certainly don't regret it.

I know why women lose their minds over him because his lips are so soft and his kissing skills are a lifetime better than Nate's. He knows exactly what he's doing and that's what makes him so tempting. Especially as the only person I'd ever been with never knew what he was doing.

I just wish I knew his motive.

"Josie," Niall slurs loudly in my ear. "What do you say we get you on the table for a body shot?"

My eyes widen in fear and I immediately push him off of me and say, "No, thank you."

Niall chuckles, probably anticipating this answer before he tries once more, "Come on, babe... it's fun!"

"I'm okay," I say, a nervous laugh leaving my lips as Niall just shrugs it off, going towards the counter to do it himself anyway. I'm once again left alone as I catch sight of the guy closest to the left of me, making his way towards me in a way that's not sly in the slightest.

I keep my gaze anywhere else, hoping that he has intentions of talking to another girl in this general vicinity.

However, this unfortunately isn't the case.

"So you must be the birthday girl, huh?"

I look over at him, shooting him a small smile before saying, "That's me... for the day."

He lets out a heart laugh, "Alright birthday girl, for the day, can I make you a drink?"

"I'm okay," I immediately shake my head, signaling my vodka water towards him. "I've got one."

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