Chapter 1

88 6 2

Word Count: 3946

Dan was the first person I met in London. I remember it, of course I do, it's quite a memorable day. He wore a black leather jacket, black jeans, black tee, you get the idea. And his presence was inviting. Although he always said he was awkward, I never could believe him. He wouldn't leave me alone the first day we met, how was he supposed to strike me as awkward when I had already labeled him as outgoing? His videos online were all about his life, and a lot of them were awkward experiences, but you have to be outgoing enough to put them online, so perhaps he was a bit of both awkward and outgoing. It's a weird combination, sure, but he wasn't your everyday boy. Or maybe he was, and I just didn't talk to enough boys. Despite that, I believe there's something special about everyone, so obviously there was something special about Dan too.


"I'll get you for that!" I shouted, ducking down and scooping a good amount of snow into my hand. Once in perfect circular form, I threw it at the back of Tess' head, and she screamed before laughing more.

"That one went down my neck!" She called, jumping up and down as if it would help.

We were in the middle of Central Park, and the sun had just gone down, but we were illuminated in white frost under the street lights. I had on a pair of old Dr Martens, over my hidden fuzzy purple socks. I also wore two pairs of thick leggings, because it was actually below freezing, and a buttoned up trench coat. I topped the outfit off with a warm scarf around my neck and a black gloves and knitted beanie, which I placed on top of my long brown hair. Tess had on an animal hat, which for some odd reason was a llama, leggings like me, and a pair of light brown Uggs. She too had on fuzzy socks, which were white and came just above the top of her shoes, along with gloves, a coat and scarf. Even packed tightly in warm clothes, my nose was most likely a deep crimson like my fingertips. Apparently my gloves were not meant for making snowballs.

"Alright, I'll stop for now." I laughed and Tess rolled her eyes.

"I've got to get home for dinner, but I'll see you tomorrow or something?" Tess asked.

"Sure, see you!" I said and Tess started to walk off toward the other side of the street.

I stuffed my hands in my coat pockets then headed home myself. I didn't live far from Central Park, so it only took me about five minutes to normally get home, but because of the snow piles, it took ten.

"Hey Mark." I smiled as I greeted my godfather, kicking off my boots by the front door.

"Oh good you're home." Mark said, quickly getting to his feet after closing his laptop and placing it on the red ottoman in front of him. Mark was a tall man, standing at 6'1, and he was in his late thirties. He had red hair, but it looked almost bright orange. My father, who I never had the pleasure of meeting, was best friends with Mark for all of high school and their last year of middle school. As soon as my dad found out my mother was pregnant with me, he asked Mark to be my godfather. Mark told me he replied with "You trust me to take care of someone more important than you?" My dad had apparently cracked a smile and slapped Mark on the back, telling him not to worry, he didn't expect to die soon. But he did, and I went to Mark.

"What's up?" I asked questioningly and loosened the scarf around my neck. I hung it up by the door and then took off my hat, gloves and coat. I put my small body bag on the red leather arm chair across from Mark's.

"Well, sit, let's have dinner first." He said, allowing me to follow him to the small dining room. I sat down as he instructed and he went to the kitchen and then came back with a two plates of Chicken Parmesan, my favorite meal. He ran back into the kitchen, and when he came back with two glasses of Coca-Cola. He didn't talk at first and the atmosphere felt tense in the room. Mark seemed nervous, which was unusual. I wanted to know what he needed to tell me.

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