Chapter 5

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Word Count: 3988

Ian dropped my off at the address Dan had given me, and I got out of the car to be greeted with a tall apartment complex. I pulled my hood up because the rain was starting to come down harder now, and typed Dan a message, having to wipe my screen off multiple times because of the amount of rain drops that landed on it.

I'm here, what door are you?

I quickly sent the message to Dan and prayed he'd answer quickly so Ian could drive away and I wouldn't feel bad for keeping him. Someone must have been listening to my prayers because a second later, Dan sent me the number of his door and I started heading around to the other side of the building. I quickly waved back to Ian letting him know he could go, before going up the stairs and looking for Dan's door number. I was really nervous, thinking I'd get the door number wrong or something, but when I came around to his apartment, I knocked, hoping someone would still be listening to my prayers and I wouldn't have the wrong door number. I had knocked on the door number he told me to, but the numbers on a keyboard are so close together he could have meant 3 or 5 instead of 4.

"Hey," Dan opened the door, and ushered me inside because it was now pouring.

"Hey," I greeted back once I was inside and we were both in the small hallway, the door to the cold outside shut. I looked up at him, and for a second, just a second, we stood staring into each other's eyes, which sounds really cliche, Then, he tilted his head up toward the stairs, still looking at me.

"It's this way," He said, and I nodded before he turned and headed up the stairs, me following. I put my shoes and wet coat by the door before getting a good look at his apartment. "You look nervous," He chuckled.

"No, I was just afraid I'd get the door number wrong or something." I said, glancing back up at him. He looked back with a lopsided smile.

"What did you think, I'd send you the wrong address?"

"Well, I don't know."

"But you're inside now, are you sure you're alright?" He asked. I could not shake the nervous feeling off, and I had started to feel shaky.

"Fine," I reassured him.

"You're shaking." He informed me, not believing I was fine.

"Well, it's cold and rainy outside." That was the best excuse I could come up with.

"Here," Dan said and led me down the hall into his room. He fumbled through his wardrobe for a moment before handing me a red pullover with a University logo printed on it. "Wear this, yours is still wet."

"Thanks," I said, then accepted the jacket and pulled it over my head, being instantly greeted with warmth and Dan's cologne. "Did you transfer?" I asked, noticing it was a Manchester University jacket. He probably wouldn't be living in London if he still went there.

"Oh, no. I dropped out."

"Oh," I said casually.

"Where did you go, then?" He asked me, taking a seat on his bed.

"I didn't," I replied, stuffing my hands into the kangaroo pouch-like pocket of the jacket. My hands wrapped around a piece of folded up paper, making a crinkling noise. "I assume this is yours?" I asked, pulling out the folded up paper and handing it to Dan.

He took it and unfolded it, skimming whatever was written on it. I couldn't see it, and never got to because he just crumpled it into a messy ball and tossed it behind him, onto the floor.

"Old notes." He said simply. "I don't blame you for not going to Uni, it's so boring."

"Not for long though, Aria's making me start going here." I said, taking a seat next to him. "But what if I fail? I don't want her to waste all that money for me to go to Collage and then let it all go to waste." I said, even though I was pretty convinced Aria had a lot of money because of the big house and the fact she could still care for four kids.

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