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"Yes...." I answered Muriel

"Oh we are sorry we scared you"Asra to me and walk to me and hold my hand and said "Pls don't be scared to us we did not mean it Y/n"Asra to me again

"Anyway Portia made dinner"Nadia said

"Yep and dinner is done! 😊"Portia said

" Ah thank you Portia"Nadia said to Portia

"Anytime"Portia said to Nadia and smile to her

"Let's go and eat dinner"Asra said to me and we walk to the table and sit down

•~Skip time~•

I walking around and I need to find something and I need to make a plan aswell but I remember the window was unlocked in the room that I was pass out

"The window is not locked in the room i was sleeping on and maybe there is a rope some in the room"I said to my thought and i walk to find a rope somewhere in the rooms

•~2 Hours later~•

I continue walking and check the rooms if there is a rope when i was walking around and i saw door and i walk to the door and turn the door knob and it's was not locked and it's was a basement and so I walk down and I can't see anything else and I move my hands to find the light switch somewhere in the room when I feel something in my hand and it's was the light switch I turn it on and you can see everything now and you walk around the basement to find a rope I turn my head around to find a rope and when I saw something a I walk towards it and it's was a rope I grab the rope and walk up and run to the room as quit as I could when I'm in the room and i hide the rope under the bed

"There and i need to get out of here and i need a flashlight left"I said to myself

"Where should i find a flashlight? and maybe there's one down stairs"I said to myself again so i walk down stairs and i walk to the kitchen and I started to find a flashlight and someone tab my shoulder when i turn around and i saw Portia

"What are you looking for?"Portia ask me

*Act* Tell Portia that you are afraid of the dark
*Act* Tell Portia your looking for a flashlight so you won't be scared of the Dark

💌 The Arcana Yandere Simulator AU 💌 The Arcana Yandere X Female Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now