006 - birthday

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"I dare you to give Megumi a kiss!"

"I dare you to give Megumi a kiss!"

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2nd person POV

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2nd person POV

"ahhhh......." itadori stretched his limbs as a yawn escaped from his mouth. the four of you were going out of the train. "that was a long travel."

megumi then suddenly looked at you with a weird expression on his face, "the cake...." he whispered as his eyes widened.

"oh, i actually saw it awhile ago...it fell on the floor while we were battling the cursed spirit." you answered, almost about to laugh.

"i should buy another one." he panicked inside.

"no it's alright i'm sure my mom already bought me one." you patted his shoulder, making him feel relieved and the same time flustered.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

you all decided to take a taxi on the way home for faster transportation. gojo took dibs on the front seat first leaving you and the other two on the back. before you were able to open the door, you felt someone's hand below yours.

"i-i'm sorry-!" you quickly took your hand off as you turn your head to its owner. your eyes widened at the closeness between you and megumi making you quickly stepped back to relieve the tension.

it might have been just a few seconds for you but it certainly wasn't for megumi. never in his life has he felt like his world became slow. how your hair flew from the wind as your eyes met him, it was all slo-mo.

"it's alright y/n." he faked a cough to ease the awkwardness. "i just wanted to open the door for you." he looked at the door before opening it to your direction.

"you should go first." he said in a soft voice and a gentle smile. you couldn't help but disagree no more.

"stop taking pictures of them gojo-sensei!" itadori scolded their dear teacher who was spamming pictures on his phone from the interaction. let's just say he took probably almost a thousand from this day alone.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

the scenery of the outside surroundings were familiar to you as you almost reached home. "we're almost there! i'm famished!" itadori said as gojo's stomach growled.

𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 ღ 𝗺𝗲𝗴𝘂𝗺𝗶 𝗳𝘂𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗴𝘂𝗿𝗼 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now