016 - denial

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"I like her as a friend."


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2nd person POV

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2nd person POV

"gojo-sensei and i went to kyoto the other day!" itadori exclaimed excitedly as the four of you walked through the hallways of school together. "we met this third-year who kept asking everyone what their type is!"

"type of what?" megumi asked nonchalantly as if he wasn't even interested the tiniest bit. he just wanted to know what kind of person this third-year was for additional information.

nobara snickered a laugh towards the clueless ravenette, "what their type is for their romantic partner obviously." you glanced at the three of them who teased megumi who knew full well who he was interested in.

"what's your type nobara?" you asked curiously as the said girl stopped her laughing session and turned to face you. she flipped her hair as she proudly said, "i don't have one cause i'm an independent woman who doesn't need a man."

"or is it just because no guy is interested in you?" itadori held out his laugh as the brunette girl huffed in response. megumi, on the other hand, had enough of their antics, barely even acknowledging their existence.

"how about you y/n-chan, what type of guys do you like?" the question caught you off-guard.

the ravenette who was barely paying any attention awhile ago suddenly was eager to know your answer. he didn't want to look interested so he pretended not to listen, but his ears were full on hearing mode.

"um..." you looked somewhere else while thinking of an answer, you didn't want to describe anyone in particular since it would be quite obvious who it would be. "i like someone who would probably be fun to be with! someone i could talk to comfortably." you replied honestly as a smile came out from your lips.

megumi deep down didn't feel great at all, he knew he certainly wasn't fun to be with. he thought of himself as a boring person whom no one would be interested in. he wasn't friendly and would be probably one of those people who can't make a conversation interesting.

"how about you fushiguro, what's your type?" itadori curiously asked as he didn't want the ravenette to be left out, though he already kinda knew what or who to be specific, is megumi's type. just before megumi was able to refuse to answer, he saw you looking at him curiously too.

𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 ღ 𝗺𝗲𝗴𝘂𝗺𝗶 𝗳𝘂𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗴𝘂𝗿𝗼 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now