020 - plan

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"Whatever happens tomorrow, promise me you'll stay alive."


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2nd person POV

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2nd person POV

"we need to do it sooner or later satoru." the principal said in a stern voice as the two were inside his quarters while having a serious talk. "the only way we can activate her inherited technique is if we send her to a mission where she's faced in a life or death situation."

gojo knew this was true but he couldn't help it, it was a dangerous decision. he couldn't speak up for now, so he had to stay silent as he looked down on the floor.

the principal was in a deep thought before an idea popped on his mind, although he was still reluctant about it. "give her the mission you have tomorrow." that statement made gojo's heart dropped.

"yaga-san i can't do th—"

"she'll be going with sukuna's vessel." he cut his voice as gojo stared at him—anticipation on what he was going to say next. "and if anything happens, i'll let you come to their rescue."

"thank you." gojo felt relieved, if only he could find another way for you to activate your inherited technique he would, but this difficult step had to be taken for that to happen.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

the blue-eyed sensei walked through the campus to find you. he was quite scared to bring the news up to you and it was very clear from his face that he was nervous,but he didn't want to look that was because it might affect you as much as it does to him.

he spotted you eating an onigiri with inumaki as you both sat on one of the benches. he then looked a little far on the right to see a ravenette frowning while looking at you and your companion.

'this is one of the rarest times i ever seen megumi with emotions.' gojo slightly chuckled as his mood was better now. 'i better help my megumi-chan!'

"y/n-chan!" you could hear your sensei's distinctive voice as you looked at his direction. you saw him waving his arms— immediately getting your attention. once you looked at him, he signaled you to come with.

"here's my last onigiri inumaki-senpai, you can have it." you gave the anticipating onigiri boy your last piece of onigiri that you cooked which he thankfully received.

"salmon!" he replied happily as he slightly bowed to you.

"i'll be going ahead." you stood before waving goodbye to inumaki. you then walked towards gojo as he directed you to somewhere else more private.

and before inumaki could take a bite of your beloved homemade onigiri, his mouth bit the air instead as the treat was gone from his hands.

"oh sorry inumaki-senpai, i thought you weren't going to eat it." the silvernette opened his eyes to see megumi's cheeks puffed as his mouth was full.

"tuna mayo?" inumaki looked at him with confusion.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

"you'll be going on a mission." gojo stared after you both were in somewhere else private. "alone?" you asked.

"no." gojo paused, thinking if he should tell you who you were going with or wait for you to find out yourself; but he chose the latter. "you'll be going with someone tomorrow."

"i see." you replied. "y/n..."

"hmm?" you looked up and noticed gojo being a little tense which was so not like him.

"whatever happens tomorrow, promise me you'll stay alive."

you were slightly terrified on how he said it more than the actual context. "okay." you replied as you let out the breath that you were holding.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

"you'll meet your partner in the destination area." mr. ichiji said as he drove you to the designated area in the outskirts of tokyo.

'who could it be?' you asked yourself. it most likely wouldn't be megumi or nobara, nor the second-years. so who could it be?

you observed the area as you were getting closer, it was a abandoned park that certainly had a strong cursed aura surrounding it. you could tell that this mission was already not going to be easy.

you got off the black car before mr. ijichi gave you a few instructions. he made a veil— leaving you inside. "just go further in the middle." You nodded as you did as so.

you scanned the park as the benches were all scattered and broken— the playground that used to be so happy and jolly was now dark and hard to look at.

you walked more before a pink colored hair arrived on your view— he looked quite familiar until your eyes widened with recognition. "itadori?!" you yelled as your cheeks were stained with tears.

"y/n? y/n!" he got up and ran towards you, engulfing you in his bone-crushing hugs. "there there, please don't cry." he placed his fingers on your cheek to wipe your tears off.

"where have you been? we thought you were gone. i missed you so much itadori. why didn't you tell us that you're alive?"

"i wasn't allowed to see any of you. i had to stay hidden." he guiltily replied. "but i'm glad to see you y/n. i missed you too, and the others too."

"too bad we met just to fight curses, but i'm still happy." you both giggled. and just a moment later, a large boulder of rock was about to hit you.

you looked right but your body wasn't able to instinctively move. you were about to feel it's deadly blow before itadori pushed you away as his hand glowed green as he punched the rock.

"itadori are you alright?" you looked at his hand which was surprisingly alright. "how did you—"

"i trained while i was gone." he smiled as he turned to you. "let's protect each other this time y/n."

your shocked expression turned to a happy one. "let's find this thing."


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04.25.22 - 07.08.22

Yes it's been two months— im alive 🤩
and tysm for 23.6k reads!!! will be more active cause i wanna finish this before school starts!


𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 ღ 𝗺𝗲𝗴𝘂𝗺𝗶 𝗳𝘂𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗴𝘂𝗿𝗼 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now