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3rd person POV:

Madison and Mason are seen travelling around Phoenix, Arizona having not seen either of their mates during the years of their travels. with their gifts they were able to cover each others body so they dont look like they bathed in a tub full of glitter, even tough this was really taxing on them the first time they did this it eased down alot as time went on, but now they were able to cover each other subconsciously. This allowed them to be able to live in any place they want whether it be the sunniest place on earth or the coldest they were able to move as they pleased.

Right now you can see the twins walking around the halls of Phoenix high school avoiding everyone who wanted to talk to them. The only person they were ever friends with was a plain girl by Bella Swan. They met when the twins started and saw Bella sitting by herself during lunch time, everyone was wanting the twins to sit with them besides her, she just acted like every other student and this intrigued the twins because with every school they went to they had the attention of everyone so they sat with her and started a conversation.

The twins and Bella wouldn't say they were the best of friends but they were friends to the point where if the other need them they would be there, they even had little nicknames for each other Isabella being called Isa by the twins, Mason being called mas and Madalaine became Maddie.

 But Bella being the curious kid she was noticed how different the twins were from the other students walking the halls, like how they were to mature for the age, how at the end of the day when they would walk Bella to her car she would get in and look back only to find them both gone. or how when she would look at mason she would see a little blue mist come from his hands and then Madalaine would scold him about it, not to mention how they were extremely cold. 

This lead to Bella finding out what they were and confronting them about it. To say they were shocked was an understatement they were pissed at the girl for not keeping her nose out other peoples business but also impressed with the little information that she gathered was able to figure it out. This lead to a more open friendship where the twins would explain the laws of their kind as well as their gifts and about mates, they weren't best friends but they were closer than they were before. When the twins decided to leave they promised Bella that if she ever needed them that they would be there for her.

Mason's POV:

"Come on Isa if you just let us run you it would be more fun"here I was trying to convince Bella to let us run her around to experience how fast we can go since we were a bit far from where anyone would see usbut she's not letting us. My sister was trying to concentrate her magic to be able to see if anyone was in the area.

"No mas im not wanting to die today" she says shaking her head with a small laugh.

"Ok fine can i lift you with my magic then" i ask her wanting to use my magic for a bit 

"No the last time you did you almost dropped me" 

"stop exaggerating you were like 2 feet in the air" i say remembering that moment

"2 FEET IT WAS 40 FEET YOU LOSER I COULD HAVE DIED" she yelled ok i admit it was a bit high but hey i caught her so their really was no problem 

"Yea but i caught you didnt't i, so really their is no har-" Im cut off by her chucking a stick at me which i caught and put down laughing

I see my sister walk back and telepathically ask her if everything is ok she just nodded her head and came over to us. I sit down on the floor with my sister sitting next to me and Isa sitting in front of us. This next bit is gonna be hard for the both of us because since we've been here for a few years we knew that people were going to start asking questions about how our appearances haven't changed ever since we moved.

"Isabella we have something to tell you" i start this catches her attention because i never use her full name the only one who can use her full name is my sister and only her 

"What is it?" i could tell she was getting nervous by how she kept fidgeting and playing with the sleeves of her shirt.

"we're leaving Phoenix as in mas and me and we dont think it'll be a good idea if we kept contact, it's not you its just it'd be safer for you" I could tell this was going to be hard because this our first friend we made outside the vampire world.

"No you can't leave, yous are the o-only true friends i h-have and y-you" at this point bella was crying and but we had to do this.

"We're leaving tonight we just want to know if you can keep what we are to yourself, you know we trust you it's just for reassurance" i say to her

"You can't just disappear on me, yous are the only friends i have, i-i ne-need you, y-yous are my be-best friends" we look at each other and nod our heads in agreement 

You see even though we don't talk or telepathically communicate we get what each other mean or want with just a single look.

"how about this if you are ever in real big trouble give us a call and we'll be there no matter what it is we'll be there" i said looking at her. I see her nod and give us a small smile, we smile back at her and i see my sister write down our number for her because since we've been out here for a while it was starting to get dark meaning it was almost time for us to leave. 

"Isa please dont tell anyone about us, not even if their of the same kind, no matter what please dont tell anyone. it'll be a big problem and you would be put in some serious danger so for your safety and our sanity we need to know that you wont say anything" i say to her i see her nod and look to see my sister smile with a piece of paper in her hand

"here this is our number only you have it so please look after it, and like my brother said please don't tell anyone unless you really need us. But i don't think anyone would be able to get anything out of you since you have a shield in your mind" my sister says. 

We knew she had a shield the moment we met her since it was a little hard to read her mind at times, but since we were around her all the time it got easier to read her mind like how it was easy to mask ourselves from the sun. We found that her shield is one of he strongest we've ever come across and if she were to be turned i think it would difficult for me or my twin to get through. but we know for a fact that people like aro and jane won't be able to get to her since they couldn't get through to us.

"Don't worry i won't tell anyone about you, just please be safe i dont want to have to call and have you be dead." she says smiling slightly. We all get up and say our final goodbyes before we leave

"Isa we just want to thank you for being our friend and that we love you very much" my sister says, we hug her one last time and smile at her and then take off running.

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