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:2 years later:

3rd person POV:

It's been 2 years since Bella has seen the twins and she still thinks about them daily. They were her first friends how could she not. She still has their number and hasn't mentioned them to anyone. she would send them emails about what has happened like how she met more vampires and that she was mated to one or how their are shapeshifters where she is, she also talked about all the problems with Edward. She knew she wouldn't get a reply but she hoped they read them.

When she first got to Forks she already knew what the cullen family were due to madalaine and mason, but she had to be careful on when she should tell them since no one could read her mind the only thing she had to worry about was Alice since whatever decision she made was being watched by her. But here she is now at a graduation party arguing with her friend jacob the shapeshifter.

Bella's POV:

I stop talking to jacob and notice Alice frozen on the stairs in the middle of a vision. I start walking to her trying not to gain the attention of the entire student body with jacob and them following close behind me.

"Alice what did you see?" i ask her

"I need to talk to Jasper" She tries to walk away but Jacob sticks his arm out blocking her way 

"why don't you talk to me" he says next minute Jasper is there and has his hand on his shoulder

"I suggest you move your arm before i remove it from your body" He says. The next hour  consisted of trying to get everybody to leave 

"The decision's been made" she says telling starting to tell Jasper about her visions

"what's going on? Your not going to seattle?"  I ask her

"No...They're coming here" She has a worried and scared look on her face

Walking into Carlisle's study after getting the last of the people out i see everyone sitting around the room talking quietly amongst themselves. Until Alice speaks up

"They'll be here in 4 days, I don't recognise any of them, maybe one"

"I know him Riley Biers he's a local but he's not controlling this" I hear Edward speak. I know for a fact that if Maddie and Mas were here they would have kicked his ass for the things he did to me.

"Whoever is controlling this they are staying in your blindspots, this could turn into a bloodbath" Carlisle says sounding sad about it. That's one of the things i admire about him no matter who wrongs him he takes no pleasure in killing them

"It doesn't matter, either way an army is coming and there aren't enough of us to protect this town" Jasper says addressing the matter at hand. This brings me to think about what the twins said about needing them but maybe not yet.

"hold up what damn army" I hear Jacob say as he and the other shifters stand

"Newborns our kind" Edward says

"what are they after?" Embry asks as he stands with his arms crossed 

"They were passing around Bella's Scent a red blouse" I hear Alice say, but my mind went elsewhere that was the red blouse Maddie had bought me before she left. 

"Hold up their after bella, what the hell does that mean?" Jacob says while also starting to pace

"It means an ugly fight with lives lost" With those words in mind i can't help but to feel guilty about being the cause of all this trouble.

"alright we're in" I protest at Jacob about getting involved and try to tell carlisle that they'll get hurt but it falls on deaf ear as everyone just starts preparing for a training session so they could coordinate. Thats when Alice gets pulled into another vision but this one seems to scare not only her but also Edward.

"What... What did you see Alice.. Edward?" Rosalie asks speaking for the first time in a while

"Their numbers th-they just increased" I hear alice squeek out looking down at the floor, Edward speaks up next 

"Even with the wolves it'll still be to much we'd barely make it out alive" I look to the floor and make my decision 

"Excuse me i need to make a call" i say walking out, leaving everyone curious about who i was talking to but i just ignored them and walked outside.

I pull out my phone and dial the number that i know off by heart and wait for someone to pick up.

"Hello...... Isa" I hear a voice i haven't heard in what feels like a century

"I need your help" i say getting straight to the point

"we'll be there just text us the address" and with that they hung up. I text the address and was about to turn and walk in when a voice stopped me 

"who were you talking to" I turn and see jasper looking intently at my phone for some odd reason.

"help" that's all i say and walk inside to ask if Edward to drop me off home.

Mad's POV:

We were out hunting out in one of the ohio forests when we got a call, which we found odd since the we never gave our number out to anyone besides... Isa. I pick it up straight away 

"hello...Isa" i say 

"I need your help" thats all it took for me to confirm that we would be there. After hanging up i run to my brother and tell that Isa needs us. with that we take off after waiting for the address. Seeing its in Forks it'd take us around a day to get their with stops to hunt. We knew what was happening since we read the emails she would send us, it was one of the things we did to pass time and let me tell you we were pissed about the fact of what Edward did to her. playing with her feelings and then getting with her, only to break up with her and leave her in the middle of the forest in the cold not to mention the fact of the red head nomad that would be running around since you killed her mate. So to put it lighty me and mason were pretty pissed and were going to make Edward know it.

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