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"Uhhh he had it coming" I say rolling my eyes. Mason laughed as we walked away and towards Bella


As we were walking back to Isa she held no ill emotion towards us for what we did to her little boy toy, but it seems the others had expected her to react a little more since they were looking back and forth from her to him.

"Isa knew what was gonna happen to edwardo-" i say

"hence the reason she stepped away" mason finished

"We really do apologise for what we did to your son though, we just don't like what had happened with Bella" i say apologising to their coven leader and his mate. They slightly smile and nod at us,

"so what do we do now?" I say looking around at everyone

"Why don' we go inside and talk about this, Sam you and your pack are welcome to stay to discuss things" Carlisle says to everyone 

"He says him and jared will stay" Edwardo says as the wolves slowly leave through the woods, the only ones staying are jared sam and im guessing jacob


We walk into Carlisle's study and go to sit down when im suddenly dragged to a seat and placed on someones lap, I turn and see that its Jasper, I try to get up and move but he holds me tighter. 

"Don't you dare move" He said in a low growl that sent shivers down my spine and im not gonna lie it turned me on a little bit, and im guessing he knew considering the little smirk on his face. He buried his head in the crook of my neck

"Has any vampires made an appearance lately around your area" Carlisle asks the wolves

"No not since the red head" He says

"Im telling you its the volturi when i saw them Aro wanted me and alice to join their coven" Edwardo says, at this i hear mason growl and moves closer to her. She smiles and places a hand on his. I wonder when that happened i think before im drawn back to the situation and speak up.

"No it's not the Volturi they didn't plan this, they won't do anything as of yet they'll let this situation happen due to wanting you guys gone and wanting edwin and Alice to join them" I say but am interrupted

"Its Edward" He says 

"Yea OK Edgar,anyways from what I've gathered in that tiny little microscopic brain of yours, It is the red head the only reason you can't see her is because she is making someone else make the decisions of whats to be decided which im guessing is that Riley Biars guy that you keep mentioning in your head" I say, looking at bella as i say the last part around.

"Wait why can you read Bella's mind but i can't?" Edward said

"Well its not just me Ethan" I roll my eyes "me and my brother have a very strong gift that allows us to do many things"

"Edward my name is Edward" he says in slight frustration, much to everyone's amusement 

"That's what i said" i say smiling at him

"We want you leeches to know about th-" one of the wolves started to speak but mason cut him off

"The treaty? yeah we know about the treaty we also know that we can break that treaty and come to your land whenever we want" He says smirking at them, at this the wolves stand and start growling at us the loudest coming from Jacob, this causes the cullens to stand and Jasper to snarl at them, but me and mason just sit back and smirk

"You are not to come onto our land its belongs to the wolves it has for centuries any leech who does gets ripped apart, although i'll be happy to use you as my personal chew toy if you do leech" Jacob says through gritted teeth 

"Someone put a muzzle on the dog" mason says, this not only angers Jacob more but also the other wolves in the room who have to now restrain Jacob. The cullens now looking at us to stop talking but we just smirk.

"Ohh please the land doesn't belong to the wolves it belongs to us, we gave it to the wolves as a gift for helping us in a little problem which we won't get into at the moment, the chief at the time was Jacob Black snr, who your named after by the way Jacob. He was unknown to the supernatural world until he shifted because of nomads, we saw him trying to protect his wife when we were out hunting and decided to help, taught him everything about our world and became good friends and since he and his wife didn't have a home and she was heavily pregnant we took them in, we gave them the land a few years later when it was our time to leave, and then he said that we were welcome onto the land at anytime since it was ours. so if your really going to play the 'we were here first' card then learn your history because i can guarantee that you definitely weren't here first" i say ending my little history lesson at this point i was standing in front of the wolves and left everyone in shock about what i said.

"So if your really not gonna allow me and my sister back onto our land then we'll take it from yous and kick every single one of yous off it" Mason speaks up shaking everyone from their temporary shock only for the wolves to fall back into it. 

I walk back to Jasper and push him back to sit down, while i sit side wards on his lap, he instantly has his arms wrapped around my waist holding me tightly and head back in the crook of my neck.

"So what's your decision it's either A) allow us onto our land whenever we want which won't be a lot-" Mason says now sitting with Alice next to him and his arm around her as she's snuggles up to him

"or B) leaving not only you but the whole of your tribe homeless?which can easily be done" i say while slightly tugging Jaspers hair which he responds with a nip to my neck.

"It's your decision" we both finish looking to the alpha.

A/N: I know i haven't updated I just keep forgetting  i have a story. Just follow along with the story i'm making it up as i go lol. 

Just comment if i should keep going with this story and if i should have a schedule or not im not so sure about this book yet.

The history of Jacob Blacks ancestry is made up i honestly don't know if that was his ancestor or not so yea

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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