With all the new vocabulary in the story, I think that it'd be helpful to have a place to go for referencing.
Edit: I also added in a lot of world-building things in too. And there will be lots of updates on information as the series goes on.
There's five sectors. Forrest, Grier, Inigo, Sergei, and Wright.
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Despite being one of the more leaned back sectors, Forrest is ruled by a monarchy.
Subjects of Forrest are described as carefree and calm. Many magical branches of the "dreamer" or "altering" type have been developed here.
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Grier is the other monarchy, although it is more well known as one than Forrest is. Grier only really keeps connections with sectors who benefit them, such as Inigo and Wright.
Despite this, the sector is generally liked. They are known amongst most for their fruit and their flowers, since their vendors are more diverse.
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Ah Inigo... the second most peaceful.
Inigo runs on trade, and therefore is known as the trading sector. They have good relations with everyone, especially Wright.
Inigo has the most forestry of all the sectors, primarily tree-wise.
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As described by Remus, Sergei is a turbulent sector. This is due to it being run by many dukes and duchesses, a polyarchy in other words, rather than a single monarchy.
This leads to constant fighting and constant strain in regards to Sergei's relationships to other sectors. Their main good relationship is with Wright, for the reason that they love books.
Sergei is the most knowledgeable out of the sectors. Some say for power purposes, others say for enjoyment.
Nature wise, Sergei has the most lakes out of the other sectors.
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Wright is also generally peaceful. It's more of a democracy, with the people running it. A place for those who love the arts, especially writers and artists. Some of the kindest people live in Wright.