With all the new vocabulary in the story, I think that it'd be helpful to have a place to go for referencing.
Edit: I also added in a lot of world-building things in too. And there will be lots of updates on information as the series goes on.
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Bianca has a rare condition, € Pennonitiy, which she inherited from her father. She has permanent wings, which is her branch (aka Flight). Because of this, she is often treated as a humanoid and not an average human. Bianca is able to shrink her wings, but not to the point of concealment. She's highly jealous of the fact that Neo did not inherit the wings, but they still get to fly.
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Both their fathers are NOT royalty in any way.
The blonde's name is Ashen Honore. His branch allows him to make other things float.
The ginger is Williamson (Gillett) Honore. He also has Pennonitiy, but his branch is fire.
€: Pennonitiy- A (primarily) genetic mutation that is highly inheritable. Coming from the Latin word penna (ae. wing, feather, flight), this disorder gives the infected person permanent wings.
(Disclaimer: Pennonitiy is not a real condition/real word on Earth. Ya girl did research to make that.)