Chapter - 89

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His army was being formed into their marching columns as Aegon returned to the makeshift palisade he had ordered his men to put around the entrance of the town. The spears of his knights and riders stood outlined against the sky steel tips glinting in the morning sun. Of the village of Stoney Sept, nothing remained but the cold blackened walls, the half burnt roofs of the buildings and the wooden gates chipped off in the middle by battering rams. The men and women from the village had been allowed to stay in their homes. A handful of them decided to join his army on the march, hoping to do their duties to their king and the realm. Most of them stayed back with their wives and children, all young boys and old men who were not so eager to die in war.

They wanted him away from their town, Aegon could see it in their eyes. The townsfolk were happy to see him off. It meant that they wouldn't have to bother feeding the thousands and providing them their meager supplies anymore. The prince himself was happy to take his leave off Stoney Sept. He's stayed here too long for his liking. Even his men felt the delay and got tired of it. It's time he led his men back to the fight.

He had gotten word of the rebels advancement down the Kingsroad. Doubtless they would have hoped to catch him unawares and pin him inside the walls of the town from both sides. His cousin never failed to surprise him after all. If he had thought to catch him penned up inside some walls, Aegon would show him how he was barely mistaken.

He had thought to move up against Lord Tywin in the West or to tighten the hold on Riverrun itself, where the King in The North had taken up residence. It would have been a bloody affair either way and Aegon had not liked his chances on both his plans. It was then the lost bird from Riverrun brought the words that he had been waiting for so long to hear. The wolf was back on the prowl again, rushing straight into the dragon's jaws.

Aegon had planned that attack as well, making preparations for the march within the walls of Stoney Sept in the chill darkness before the dawn whilst the people of the town were fast asleep. No one can betray you if they didn't know what you were doing. And so he'd led his army out in the dark hoping to surprise his foes before they could surprise him. If he could capture or slay the Dragonslayer, he could win the war right here. He did not like the taste of any of this, but what choice did he have?

The thrice-damned Baratheons were circling around King's Landing too close for his liking, and Lord Tywin was poking him too much trying to lure him out of his defensive position to clear the way for his allies. Aegon had let no word of the march escape Stoney Sept, and he meant to keep it that way until the bloody work along the Kingsroad would be dealt with. The northmen would not realize their true peril, not until the hammers fell on Andrew Stark and then on Riverrun. And after all is done and won, they could get his brother back and he could return back to his family and betrothed.

Ser Myles Mooton stood by the head of the cavalry, all armoured in steel and armed with lances. Aegon had assigned him the task of leading the heavy cavalry. Another man would have wanted to lead the prized band of chivalry himself, but Aegon knew the worth of Ser Myles. A knight of great renown, Ser Myles was one of his father's good friends and squired for King Rhaegar in his youth.

"I have tasked Lord Rosby to hold the town while we are away," Aegon said as he walked over to the knight. "He will keep the fires burning at night and make the townsfolk in check to make it seem as if we are still encamped here."

"We have increased the fortifications as you commanded, my prince," the knight of  Maidenpool said. "Three more rows of wooden stakes and caltrops in front of the gates."

"Good," Aegon said. "I don't mean to give up my position so easily."

"And the dragon?"

"He will join us on the way," Aegon shrugged. "I know that." He looked up at the sky wondering where the great green beast had gone to. He had always found Aegon when he needed him the most, yet the dragon was nowhere to be seen now that he needed him the most.

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