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They arrived to see the Trident burning and smoking, the banks and reeds growing on the river alight with dragonfire.

Across the river, Andrew Stark stood with his entire army and watched the grey plume rise. He didn't have much hope of crossing the Trident unawares when Aegon Targaryen had encamped right at the fording, yet even so, he had tried to force a crossing.

His head hurt like blazes with the weight of the crown around his brows. Was this how it was for my father when he led his men into battle? Knowing that he was responsible for all of their lives. He'd come to the battle long after the Greatjon had pulled back from the fighting, back across the river where the Targaryens couldn't reach them. Andrew knew that no where is safe so long as the dragon circled the air for the river will do little to stop its advance. By the time they arrived however it was past the Hour of Wolf and Andrew found the Targaryens across the river still staring down at them, armed and armoured and ready for battle. Instead he had settled his army down on the western bank, long way away from the river where Aegon couldn't see when they were doing and ordered his men to rest while putting along patrol crews and sentries all along the river to alert if there was an attempted crossing. The beacon was burning on a ridge nearby the banks, signalling that everything was fine.

He had the fires and torches in his camp burning as well so as to let the Targaryens know they were still in their battle orders. He had no desire to go rushing off to fight in the night, not after knowing what had happened earlier and Andrew thought that Aegon would prefer that as well. In the morning with the sun beating down its golden rays upon the world the dragon would be a formidable weapon than it would in the dark where both the rider and the beast would be hindered by the restricted view in darkness.

Yet it was at dawn where Andrew chose to fight his battle, and he said as much to his Lords in their war council. Most of the Lords agreed after knowing what had befallen when Lord Umber and his men tried to cross the river. Some had concerns that Prince Aegon might unleash his dragon while they were sleeping and he had plans for that as well as advised by Lord Arryn. Lord Jon proposed to send an envoy with a peace banner to the Targaryens and ask for a truce to break all hostilities for the night and stage the battle come morning.

Andrew didn't know if Aegon Targaryen would accept the terms. But Lord Arryn insisted that he would as the Targaryens won't be too enthusiastic about fighting in the dark as well. Some doubted it still.

"We can fight in the dark," Lord Greatjon insisted. "So can they. They had no problems fighting in the dark an hour or two ago."

"They fought when they tried to stop a probing assault," Lord Robert reminded him. "Against our whole army however, that's a different matter."

"We should press the attack now while they are split defending the fords," Ser Edmure argued, accompanied by his company of friends all of them young knights and heirs, brave and thirsting for glory. "We could fill in the gaps and scatter them with ease."

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