Chapter 1

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Hello welcome to the Start of my book continue reading with caution and i hope you enjoy
Y/n = your name
Gf/n = girlfriend name
T/n = therapist name
" " = what is being said
' ' = what is being thought

Y/n P.O.V
Beep! Beep! My eyes are slowly opening as I yawn and as I slowly sit up my eyes start to get a bit glossy as I reach over to my alarm clock it read it 6:00am as I'm turning it off I let out a big stretch 'I wonder what I'm going to do today' I remove the covers from myself and as I Stand up I rub my eyes and go to the bathroom to get myself ready for the day after I'm finished up brushing my teeth and brushing my hair I leave the room to go to the kitchen but I'm stopped halfway out the door by the alarm clock hitting the back of my head "arg! Ow what the hell" y/n grabs the back of his head in pain and turns around to see the disturbed face of his Girlfriend 'oh no' "I thought I told you to let me sleep in huh! DOSE THIS LOOK LIKE I SLEPT IN" gf/n screams at y/n "n-no" He starts to shake "Well what are you just standing there for get out!" She says with venom in her voice "yes" Y/n quickly walks out of the room and heads to the kitchen and as he leans on the bench and lets of a breath he didn't even know He was holding 'just another day' I move to the cupboard and grab out the cereal to make my breakfast after i finish eating i head back to the bedroom so i can get dressed out of my pyjamas Ring! Ring! I turn around to the sound of my girlfriend's phone ringing "Yes who is this" she says rudely "Oh! Its you yes i will meet you there bye" she puts the phone down and run the her draws rapidly pulling out clothes deciding what to wear 'hmmm strange i wonder why she's in such a good mood all of a sudden' "who was that sweetie" "None of you business! And dont sweetie me!" She says as she barges past me knocking My neck into the doorframe "Im leaving for the day and i wont be back untill later tonight make sure dinner is ready for me when i get back" "Ok good b-" she slams the door shut before i can finish 'well thats just rude anyways whats the time' I walk up to the clock thats hanging on the wall it reads 7:30 am "well thats just great I'm going to be late for my therapy session" I rush around the place to grab my shoe's, house keys and wallet after that i run out the door locking it and begin to sprint down the halls and out the building as i come to a stop at the road and start breathing heavily as i look up i see a taxi coming "TAXI!"

Time skip
therapists P.O.V
Sigh i look at my watch "Y/n is supposed to be here by now what of something has happened to him" 'just thinking about that makes me worry oh y/n where are you' my head snaps up as i hear a kock on the door "Mr T/n, y/n is here now" i hear one of the desk lady's say through the door "Yes! Let him in" i quickly adjust the way i look and check my breath and just on cue in walks y/n "Y/n Wellcome come in and take a seat how are you" i say in a cheerful tone of voice y/n walks in and sits down but i notice a bruise on his neck "hey is that a bruise" i see him cover his neck "who did this to you was it that pitiful excuse of a Girlfriend" i say sharply "n-no i just ummn tripped over and hit myself yeah" y/n says 'oh y/n i know thats a lie you can't lie to me but don't you worry i will make that bitch pay just wait a little bit longer my love but for now i should deal with the matter at hand' "anyways y/n tell me how are you feeling today" i watch as y/n start's twiddling with his fingers "umm a bit sore but im ok" "she hit you again didn't she" i clench my hands together "w-what! No" i watch as y/n grabs the back of his head i raise my eyebrows i stand up move towards him "huh what are you doing" as i stand In front of him i bend down and touch the back of his head 'there's a bump' I move to the front of his face i whisper "Y/n" i see his face turn pink and then i realised how close i was to his face and stand back up "U-ummm do you want some ice for that" y/n start's scrambling for his belongings "no thanks t/n" y/n walks up to me"are you sure" "y-yes in sur- ahh" y/n trips and falls as i look down I see y/n is face first in my crotch i start to blush heavily "ahh so so so sorry i umm i- im going to go now bye" he gets up and runs out the door leaving me there "bye then..." i look down to see that I'm hard 'fuck'

Time skip
Y/n P.O.V
'shit shit shit shit i didn't mean to do that stupid legs dang it he probably thinks im a weirdo trying to perv on him i hope this won't ruin our friend ship stupid stupid y/n ah ok im home now great' I open the door and walk in locking it behind me as i take off my shoes i make my way to the kitchen 'well I left early so i guess i can take a nap untill its time to get up and make dinner' i walk down the hall way to the bedroom and flop down onto the bed i set a alarm clock then put my phone um in the bedside table 'it cant hurt to take a nap before i make dinner' i yawn and then close my eyes and the world fades away i think about what life would be like if i was loved.

Yandere therapist x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now