Chapter 6

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Hello welcome to the next chapter read at your own caution

Y/n P.O.V
I yawn and as I stretch I feel arms around my waist I snap around and see T/n sleeping peacefully 'rrm I guess we fell asleep like tha-' I suddenly remembered last night's events 'WAIT WHAT WAS I THINKING having sex with my therapist dang it what the fuck y/n-' then it hits me my girlfriend was murdered 'even if she hurt me and cheated it's still horrible' I sighed as I was about to move I'm pulled down back on the bed and I'm greeted with t/n kissing me but I don't kiss back "morning y/n I'm going to take a shower and your coming with me" My face drops "like together at the same time" I watch as t/n makes a face of amusement "well it's not like I haven't seen every inch of you already" He says with a wink and stands up 'what does he mean' I look up at him and realised he is naked "eep!" I cover my eyes then I hear his voice come from outside the room "come on y/n or I'll have to carry you" I stand up and run downstairs to the bathroom "took you long enough" He said with amusement then opened the door and started the shower As I stood in the door frame blushing "come on y/n" I walk in and just as I was about to get in the shower "wait I have to take my clothes.. off. Oh yeah nevermind that happened" I start to get very flustered as I stand in the shower as T/n washes himself with soap "here let me do the honours" I look up at him as he starts to scrub me with some soap "y-you don't have to" He shuts me up the a kiss "I don't have to but I really Want to" He said with a deep voice I loom up at his eyes and all I see is lust "Ah!" I jump as my ass is slapped "sorry my hand slipped" t/n stats to squeeze my ass and rub soap on it "ahh-" I cover my mouth "whats wrong y/n I'm just washing your body nothing to bad" He smiles at me then moves the soap to my stomach "It's just-" Im cut off by him sliding the soap down to the start of my dick "just what y/n come on finish your sentence" He starts to rub the soap all over the base of my penis "It's jus-Aha~ Just that-mf" t/n pours soap all over my dick and starts to stroke me "AhA!~" He laughs "I just have to rub some soap in oh and I can't forget to wash your asshole" as he is stroking me he inserts a soapy finger into my but "AhhaAh~ fuu- mm- Aha~" just as I start to feel really good he pulls the finger out and stops stroking me "there now you all clean" I look at his with pleading eyes 'no don't stop I was close more~' "hmm? Is there something you want" He smirked at me then started to bite his lips I stood up on my toes and kissed him "please m-more" I get on my knees and start to lick the tip of his hard cock "Ah fuck! Y/n~" I start to suck his dick and he grabs my hair and shoves his cock all the way down my throat "Auuag!-" He immediately pulls out as I start choking "y/n I'm so sorry are you ok did I hurt you" He asked me with a concerned voice and I feel a sudden urge to be dominant so I push him to the floor "Oh I'm better than ok now be a good boy and take my dick"

T/n P.O.V
'fuck yes more deeper' As I push my dick all the way down my throat "Auuag!-" but I instantly take it out as I feel y/n start to choke 'shit y/n' "y/n I'm so sorry are you ok did I hurt you" I say very concerned but then He pushes me to the ground 'ow what the' I loom up st him to see him smirking "Oh I'm better than ok now be a good boy and take my dick" 'What?!' And just like that y/n is pinning me to the floor kissing my neck leaving Hickey's "f-fuck" 'oh fuck y/n dominating me oooh~ fuck I love it' I moan as y/n slaps my ass than spits on his hand multiple times then rubs it on his dick "mmf~ this will do for lube" then positions his dick at my entrance "do you want me t/n~" 'oh fuck y/n' "ffuck~ yes please fuck me fuck me fill me up with your cum please break me" I feel as y/n shoves his dick inside of me "Fuck Aha~ your tight as well t/n" I let out a groan "mrmm~ please fuck me" I watch as he smiles "don't worry I will" as Y/n starts to trust into me roughly he lets out loud moans "fuck~ y/n your moan turn me on MmFM~" as y/n picks up his pace I can tell he is close to Cumming "are you gonna c-cum~" Y/n leans down into me ear and whispers "not until you cum first" Then he bites my ears and starts jacking me off as well "Fu-Fuck Im Cumming" y/n laughs and picks up his pace and thrusts harder "FUCCCK!" I scream out while Cumming but y/n doesn't stop thrusting into me "fuck t/n I'm- Ahah~ gonna cum soon" I start to feel numb from over stimulation "fuck me fuck me and don't stop yes yes~ Im Cumming again RAaghhh!~" Y/n lets out a moan and trusts into me as deep as he can "ME TOO FUCK AAHHaA!~" once again we both cum at the same time 'FUCK ahhhh~ y/n I love you so much so so much' "heh let's clean our selves up now what do you say y/n?" He pulls out of me and I help him stand up after we are done cleaning out selves up we walk upstairs to get changed and I let y/n borrow some of my clothes again "how about this just a simple black t-shirt and some black pants tk mach" y/n nods his head "yeah that will do" after we are done getting changed we go back down stairs and I go unto the kitchen to make us breakfast 'we spent a good hour in there with the water still running ah my poor water bills' "how about some eggs and bacon on toast" I smile "mmm sounds yummy" I boop his nose but I notice something is bothering him 'hmm I wonder what he's thinking about' I finish cooking breakfast and then I served it on plates then took it down to the table "here y/n" I pulled out a chair for him as he sat down I pushed the chair back in then took my seat beside him "lest dig in" I smile at him and Start eating after we are done eating I take the plates into the kitchen and start washing them up 'this means he is mine now right yeah he is all min-' my thoughts got cut off by y/n's phone ringing I hear y/n is talking to someone 'huh?!' I finish up cleaning the breakfast mess and go walking into the living room where he is sitting "who was that y/n" he looks at me with a frown "that was gf/n's mother her funeral is in 3 hours and she wanted to make sure I'm still coming" I frown at him "well did you tell her you wouldn't be attending" y/n looks at me shocked "w-what! No I said I was still going" I walk up to y/n "well call her back and say you can't attend" I watch as y/n gets angry "I said I was going!" I get very mad at his words "I said NO! Your NOT! Going to that sluts funeral NOT AFTER WHAT SHE DID YOUR GOING TO STAY HERE WITH ME!" Y/n stands up and looks me dead in the face and bursts with anger

Y/n P.O.V
"I SAID I WAS GOING I DON'T NEED YOU TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO NOW FUCK OFF OUT OF MY LIFE" I punch him in the face and kick him in the dick while he is down as I Quickly run out the door I grab my coat on the way out 'I probably shouldn't have been so harsh but HE NEEDS TO LEARN that I don't want to be bossed around anymore' I pull out my phone and look at the text I got from gf/n's mom as I read it I get directions to where the funeral is ment to be 'ok I'll just go there now because I guess it's respectful to be there early and also good thing I'm wearing black' I turn my phone on silent and start to walk to where it's meant to be as I'm half way there I look at my phone for the time and see 'HUH!? 30 missed calls and 67 unread messages all form.. t/n' I see my phone started yo ring again and I answered it "Look t/n I'm done talking I have a funeral to attend" I hang up the phone not letting t/n have a chance to speak 'dang it that was also to harsh but gezz he went over kill why is he so clingy' he called one more time and I hung up and then blocked his number 'just for the funeral then I'll unblock him' Once I get there I see my girlfriend's mother so I go up to her "y/n thanks for coming I appreciate it" I give her a hug "gf/n was a lovely girl and I'll miss her so much" She smiled at me then everyone was called into the church 'well it did take longer than expected to get here' I feel tears run down my face as I take my seat and look st the pictures of gf/n 'I know you were mean to me but I still love you'

Time skip
As they lowered the coffin into the hole I remembered that me and t/n fucked each other 'dang it way did I do that I'm such an idiot I betrayed gf/n by fucking a man' after everything was done I put down some flowers for gf/n then as I started tk walk home I realised I can't go home so I start walking to t/n's house 'I need to get my clothes and give his clothes back also my wallet and I guess tell him whatever we have needs to be broken up and I should also apologize for hurting him' I take out my phone and unblock his number as I'm walking to his place I start to cry remembering that gf/n cheated on me 'I guess what goes around comes around'

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