Chapter 3

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Hello welcome to the next chapter read at your own caution

Y/n P.O.V
'shit shit shit I'm going to be late gf/n is gonna kill me' as I round the last corner I reach the front door as I go to unlock it gf/n opens the door 'oh god please have mercy' she grabs me by the ear and drags me into the kitchen "ah ow ow ow ow ow!" And then she throws me to the floor and starts kicking me "WELL ARG! YOUR LATE AND THANKS TO YOUUU! I HAD TO ORDER LUNCH ONLINE AND WASTE MY MONEY" gf/n yells "S-STA-STOP IT" I reach up and push her over and run straight out the door and don't look back as I'm running tears stream down my face

T/n P.O.V
I follow carefully behind this man untill he went into an apartment block 'I've been following this man for a while now but i guess this is his home hmm I've seen nothing strange I guess I go home now' I start walking back to my house when I feel a couple of rain drops land on me 'hmm I guess it's going to rain good thing I keep an umbrella with me' I reach into my bag and pull it out "brr it's a bit cold" I continue walk home and as I'm almost their I see someone running in the rain and fall over as I walk past them I instantly recognise there face and I drop my umbrella "y/n!?" Y/n whips his head up and I can tell he's been crying because his eyes are red "h-hi sorry to disturb I'm going now bye" he quickly gets up and starts to run away "wait!" I scream at him as I Chase after him y/n runs around a corner and trips over a bike cuts as he fell his leg got cut on the foot petal "Y/N!" I drop down and pick him up "i-im fine it's just a scratch" 'y/n don't lie to me' "no I don't care your coming home with me no excuses" I Carry him bridal style and walk back to my home I approach the door and I realised I can't unlock  it 'y/n can't walk and my hands are occupied' "umm y/n I need to unlock the door so can you hold on" as I removed my arms I could feel y/n squeeze me and press his body up against me 'oh how you send shivers down my spin you have no idea how long I've wanted to feel you up close I just wish the circumstances were different' I open the door and walk in and y/n slides off me and I shiver at the lack of warmth 'I should offer him a hot shower and some clothes I can't let him stay like that' "Hey y/n why don't you go take a hot shower and I'll go get something that will fit you" he opened his eyes in shock "huh?! No thanks I don't want to be a burden" "What! Pfff no your never a burden just go and I'll get you clothes" I go up stairs to my room and search for some clothes that will fit him and I find some cute pyjamas I never wore 'hehehe he would look so cute in my clothes with wet dripping hair' I go downstairs and into the bathroom "y/n I have the clothes I hope they fit-" I look up and see his bruise naked Body and I instantly walked leaving the clothes behind on the counter 'fuck y/n~ of fuck it's as if the God's blessing me' my mind instantly start's imaging me fucking him against the counter then I only just realised he is covered in marks "grrr!" I grit my teeth 'it was that fucking bitch that's it she has Crossed the fucking line she's dead' I clench my fists in anger and Start to shake with anger I look down and i see I'm hard 'for fucks sake y/n your Killing me~'

Y/n P.O.V
As I dry my hair and Start to get dressed in the clothes t/n gave me I start to think about how he walked in on me getting undressed I sigh 'he saw me naked dang it but the bruises I just hope to God he didn't see them' and as soon as I walk out and he storms in and shuts the door "I'm going for my shower now" t/n's muffled voice says through the door "oh ok." I walk into the living room and sit on the couch 'wow this place is big' I feel tears started to roll down my cheek as I remember what my girlfriend did to me and as I tried to wipe my tears away I feel a hand wipe my tears away before I could "y/n? Tell me what happened What's wrong" t/n said in a concerned voice I quickly grab him and pull him down onto the couch and stuff my face in his chest "auh y-y/n what are you doing" I start to ugly cry "hey there there its ok tell me what's wrong" he pats my head "it-it's my girlfriend.. she's just so rude to me and all I do is be nice.." I hiccup and t/n start's to rub my back "y/n that's bad does she have anything to do with the bruises on you" I feel y/n tense up "sh-she-she hits me.." 'yeah she's a fucking whore laying her hands on my y/n' "when she doesn't get her way she attacks me.. gf/n wanted me to come home and make lunch and I came home late and she beat me up for it so I just ran I didn't know where but. I'm glad I ran into you" y/n snuggles into my chest more "y/n that's an absolute horrible thing for anyone to do to someone as kind as you but it's ok karma always comes to save the day you just have to be patient and take one step at a time to get back on your feet and I'll always be here for you right by you side so you can come to me for anything alright y/n. Y/n??" I look down and he's asleep I careful pick him up and make my way upstairs to my bedroom as I walk in the door I give his forehead a kiss and put him under the bed covers "sweet dreams y/n I love you" I once again kiss his forehead and I look down at his lips "mmmf" I bite my lips at the sight of y/n in my bed wearing my clothes and completely vulnerable 'oh how I wish to ravish your body but I mustn't do anything of the sorts untill I have your full consent after all consent is key' I quietly walk out of the room with a bag once I'm in the living room I open the bag and grab out some random clothes and get changed into them 'it's now or never that cheating bitch is gonna die' I smile widely as I look down into the bag and grab out a baseball bat and let out a quiet chuckle as I walk out the door and lock it I take one last look at my house and then head off to y/n's apartment

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