Chapter 8

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Hello welcome to the next chapter read at your own caution

Y/n P.O.V
I yawned as I got up from the bed 't/n is still asleep I see I guess I can go make some breakfast' as I stand up and get off the bed I tripped over a bag 'huh?! Hmm I know I shouldn't snoop but curiosity is killing me' I open the bag and I see 'hmm a bat covered in red paint. Some cleaning product's? And a book? Just one quick peek' I opened the book and started reading 'today is my first day treating a male patient I hope it goes well' I turn the page 'second day of treatment his name is y/n he seems to be troubled by his girlfriend. Ok' I skip ahead a few pages 'today I saw y/n and he had bruises on him I bet it was his girlfriend that fucking bitch touching what's not hers' I skip towards the end of the book 'huh?! How to kill gf/n step 1 make sure y/n is out of the house step 2 hit her with the bat step 3 y/n's will be mine even if I have to spill a little blood' I start to shake as I put the book back into the bag and look over at the bat 'its BLOOD?! Fuck I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE' I stand up and walk quietly downstairs and pack up all of my stuff just as I was about to leave I'm stopped by t/n "hey y/n where are you going" I freeze 'his voice sounds different like something dangerous' "I-I-I'm just going to get some clothes from my old place" I say with my back still turned to him "now if you excuse me I'll be. Back later" as I take one step towards the front door a knife fly's right past my head and stabs the door 'please no' I feel t/n wrap his arms around my waist and his breath on my neck "let's just go back to bed baby" I feel him kiss my neck while he takes my coat off 'I need to escape but how.. I could trick him the knock him over and that should give me time to run' "ok let's go back to bed then" I smile and put my coat on the floor "yeah let's go back upstairs and cuddle the whole day" As I walk with him up stairs I point at something random "WHAT'S THAT!?" T/n looks in the direction that I'm pointing in "what?!" I push him as hard as I can down the stairs "RAhaag!" I run down the stairs jumping over t/n and sprint for the door as I get there I pick up my jacket and go to open the door "Y/N!" 'he is right behind me' I grab the knife from within the door and swing around to try to stab him "AAAh!" I missed but I cut his hand a bit then I push him over 'run' I go to open and the door but I'm stopped by him grabbing my ankles and pulling my away from the door as I struggle to get out of his grasp he gets on top if my pinning me down "NO! GET OFF ME YOU PSYCHO!" As I try to break free from him a cloth is put over my face "Mmf No" it smells like chemicals 'chloroform' I try to struggle but it's useless then I feel t/n lick my ear and whisper "your mine all mine you will never escape my love" he starts to kiss my neck and leave Hickey's "sto-MMMf" I'm muffled the cloth and after a few minutes my vision starts to go Blurry "n-no." The world fades black and my ears start to ring as I fall into a deep sleep I hear "your mine y/n"

T/n P.O.V
'dang it you will not leave me never again' I get up from the floor and run up to y/n but then he swings around and cuts my hand "AAAh!" Y/n pushes me tk the floor 'NO NO DON'T LEAVE' I grab his ankles and pu him to the floor 'mine' I get on top of him "NO! GET OFF ME YOU PSYCHO!" y/n trashes around trying to get free I grab the cloth from my back pocket and put it over his face 'it still has chloroform on it so this will work to put him to sleep' "Mmf No" I lean down and lick his ear 'so sweet' I whisper "your mine all mine you will never escape my love" then I kiss his neck and bite down to leave marks "sto-MMMf" I push the cloth further into his face then I continue to kiss his neck "n-no." After two minutes I feel y/n go limp and I whisper "your mine y/n" I stand up 'oh y/n you shouldn't have looked in ny book now you pay the price my love' I lean down and pick him up 'hmm what should I do. Oh I know I'll tie his leg to the bed so he can't escape' I carry him up to the bedroom and lay him down on the bed 'so peaceful' I walk over to my cupboard and grab out some chain's and a shackle as I wall over to y/n I noticed something sticking out of vis pocket 'huh' I look and the small card and realised it's a number 'huh there's a note to. Call me' I look over at y/n 'is there someone else is y/n cheating on me no.. he can't HE WON'T' I removed his jacket and shirt 'your mine' I took of his pants and left him in his boxers then I chain his leg to the bed frame 'you will never escape again your mine' I hear my phone ringing 'hmm' I answered it and it was my boss "hey I'm just calling to say the Holiday you requested has now expired so be back Wednesday-" I cut him off "sorry boss but some Family issues came up and I need at least a week or two more" I hear him sigh " two weeks then I expect you back you're the best therapist we have I can't just let you go" I smile at y/n "yes sir I'll be back by then have a good day" I hang up the phone 'oh sweet y/n I'm sorry but you have to stay here with me' I see that y/n has some tears rolling down his face still so I walk up to him I lean down to his face and lick his tears away "so sweet just like you. I love you" I leave him there to sleep while I go make him some food 'I think he will enjoy (Favourite food) I'll get started on it right away because he will wake up soon and when he does I'll greet him with food and everlasting love'

Yandere therapist x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now