Chapter 4

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Hello welcome to the next chapter read at your own caution

T/n P.O.V
'eheh I can't wait to bash her head in fucking bitch hurting my y/n well that ends here y/n will be mine' as I walk up to the apartment I take a mental note of everything "this is it" I walk in to the door and as I go to knock I hear noises coming from behind the door 'huh? There's someone in there with her' I open the door and sneak in as I walk in I see gf/n with that dude I saw the other day 'not only does she hurt y/n but she cheats as well fucking slut' I grab my bat out of my bag and walk towards the two as I walk up to them they spot me "HEY WHAT THE FUCK!" I watch as gf/n try to cover her self "HEY FUCK HEAD! WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!" I smile "karma" I instantly Wack the guy over the side of his head knocking him out and I turn to the girlfriend and she started screaming but i quickly cut of her screaming my knocking her down and bashing her brains out "HUH! How do you like that because it's what you get for hurting my y/n you will no longer hurt him he is now mine and mine alone!" I finished up but making sure the guy was dead after that I quickly cleaned up 'now i got to get the hell out of here and back to my sweet y/n'

Time skip
Y/n P.O.V
I wake up to the smell of food as I sit up I realised that this isn't my bed 'wait what the hell where am-' I remember last night 'oh now I know I guess he must have took me to his room' I stretch and look over at the time '7:35 pm huh I guess I slept a lot' I get up and walk down stairs as I walk into the kitchen I'm instantly greeted with an amazing smell "smells great" I see t/n jump at the sound of my voice "ah y/n you startled me yeah if you may go take a seat at the table I made us dinner "mm ok" I walk over and sit down 'hmm his hair is wet I guess he took another shower' "here you go" he sets down a bowl for me and then sits beside me "oh my is this (favourite meal)" I Beam with happiness "yeah its my favourite meal" I smile "same and thanks for looking after me" He turn to face me "I'll always look after you even when you don't want me to now Let's dig in" I start to eat and after I finish eating I offer to wash up but he insisted the he would so I asked him if i could watch TV and he said yes as im watch TV some breaking news comes on (breaking news police shocked by broad daylight robbery gone wrong as two civilians found dead in the middle of intercourse one female and one male there is still no trace of the culprit but the victims names are gf/n and (random name) if anyone has any information please Contact your local police) 'w-what!' tears start to form as i curl up in a ball "y/n!? Whats wrong" I point to the TV and t/n gasps "oh y/n no-no don't cry its ok I'm here its ok you don't need them" I look up at t/n "she's dead but don't get me wrong I'm a bit happy but she didn't deserve to die not like that"

T/n P.O.V
'oh y/n she did deserve to die she's a fucking rat' "Its ok I'm here" I rubs his soft hair "and she-she cheated on me" y/n hugs into my chest "shhh just breathe ok breath in breath out" I watch as y/n clams down and slows his breathing "see better now right" I ask him as I sit down beside him on the  couch "yeah.. thanks for always being there for me you're the best friend anyone could've asked for" 'ouch that hurts' "yeah you know I'll always be here for you because that's what I do now why don't you stay here and pick a movie and I'll go get us some ice cream" y/n nods his head "mhmm ok" as I walk into the kitchen I grab out two bowls and the ice cream 'y/n is mine now all mine I'll love and cherish him for all eternity I just hope he can get over that sudden break up and move on with me' I walk out into the living room and put the bowls down on the coffee table "here you go what movie did you pick" y/n Looks up at me "I picked (favourite movie)" 'hmm yes I made sure to get your favourite movie' "ah good pick" y/n smile's at me and it sends shivers down my spine as I sit down and eat my ice cream y/n leans on me 'oh my oh my oh my! He's leaning on me I love it'

Time skip
Y/n P.O.V
I watch as the end credits roll and I stand up and take both of our bowls into the kitchen "I'm tired" I put the bowls in the sink than walk back to the living room "thanks y/n but yeah it's getting a bit late now So we should go to bed now" t/n turns all the lights off and locks all the door then walks up stairs as I follow him I remember that there's only one bed "wait there's only one bed" he turns around "I don't mind sharing" t/n continues walks then crawls into bed and I do they same laying at the opposite side from him "goodnight" I whisper to him "goodnight y/n" he whispered back and I quickly fall asleep

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