Chapter 3

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It was Thursday when Talia was supposed to get to Nicole’s house.
Nicole had last seen Kim a few days back and since the she had been dealing with her rape trauma by herself. She hadn’t told Dean nor her mother.
One afternoon they were watching the midday news when it was reported that a 16 year old girl had been raped after a wild night at the club and the rapist was on the most wanted list. Ruby's take on that was that there was no such thing as rape and that women should give men what they are entitled to.
After Ruby’s take on rape there was absolutely no way that Nicole was ever going to tell her that she was raped , which is why she chose to not tell her.
Talia arrived at her sister’s house and she was greeted by Ruby 's rude attitude.
“Yay! Talia you’re here!” said Ruby sarcastically. She was holding a drink in her hand and there were about 6 empty alcohol bottles next to her on the sofa.

“Don’t mind her Talia.  She’s had a little too much to drink,” said Dean.
“No  no  no   Dean baby, I can say whatever I want however I want to say it!”  she chuckled.
“ Ruby ,I’m here because Nicole invited me here! If it wasn’t for Nicole I would have never bothered you!” Talia eventually said after holding it in for a while.
“ Aunt ,Kim I’ll meet you outside,” said Nicole.
Dean dragged Ruby upstairs to their room and Nicole headed to her room.
“Ruby how could you embarrass yourself like this! Talia is your sister and Nicole is your daughter! You need to fix this attitude of yours and you need to fix it fast!”

“Or what Dean? You’re going to leave me like the only person I ever loved left me! I have nothing to live for Dean! The only person I’ve ever loved wholeheartedly is dead!  She’s gone! Sam is gone! My only Samantha died just like that and I blame that Nicole! I blame her! This is her fault! Now don’t you dare tell me to fix my attitude! I’ve been through the most! Imagine having to bury your only daughter and be left with someone like Nicole! You know at times I just wish that Nicole would have been the one that died that day! Maybe life would be dif…”
“Stop! Ruby! Stop! Nicole did nothing to you! How could you treat your own flesh and blood lik-!”
“ She is not my child! She is not my daughter Dean! Nicole is not my daughter! My daughter died a long time ago! You know what, leave! Get out of my house Dean! Leave!”
“Fine Ruby! I’ll leave but you’ll never find someone who cares about you the way I do! I’m done with you Ruby!” said Dean as he headed for the bedroom door. “I’ll fetch my clothes tomorrow,” he added.
“How long have you been standing here Nicole?”
“Long enough to hear that my mom doesn’t regard me as her daughter any more and that she blames me for my sister’s death! Long enough to know that my own biological mother hates me with all her might! Long enough to know that my own mother doesn’t give a fuck about me! I’ve stood here long enough!”
“ Nicole! No! Don’t take  your mother seriously! You can see that she’s drunk! Nicole please don’t ,”
“ They say alcohol is the greatest truth serum of all time! At least I now know where I stand with Ruby,”

Nicole held back tears as she ran to Talia and Kim and soon after that Dean was out of the house.
“Talia please stay here longer and take care of Nicole, she needs you now more than ever,” he said before leaving.
“ I will come get my clothes tomorrow,” he added then he left.

Talia , Kim and Nicole took a walk to the park.

“What was that all about Nicole,” asked Talia.
“They had a fight. You know how Ruby gets when she’s drunk,” replied Nicole.
“She is still your mother Nicole,” said Kim.
“Kim, please! A mother is supposed to care about her child , right? She doesn’t care about me! She doesn’t give a fuck about me and that’s okay! A mother would care if her child was raped! But she doesn’t! I’m trying to deal with this my own way but she says I’m moody!” Nicole finally blurted out the reason she called them there. There was sudden  silence for a few minutes then Talia said,

“ Nic baby I’m so sorry, who did this to you?” she asked but Nicole was resisting to answer.
“Nicole, who raped you ?” asked Kim.
“ Nicole whoever raped you deserves what’s coming to them! We will fight for you!”
“It was Shawn Aunt,”
“ I'm sorry what?” said Talia surprised.
“The person that raped me is Shawn,”
“ But Nicole, Shawn  would never do that, especially to you,” added Talia.

Nicole buried her face in her hands followed by a large stream of tears and after a while she finally said, “ It was Shawn, aunt. Even I could not believe that the only person I looked up to as an older brother, that the person that has been in my life for so long ,the person I grew up with would do me like that. Even now I’m still in awe, I’m shocked. Aunt, Kim, I’m hurt. I know it’s unbelievable because this person has been in my life for such a long time, this person has been my friend, this person has been my brother but you have to believe me. Shawn raped me!”
Kim quickly embraced Nicole and they spent a few minutes weeping on each other’s shoulders whilst Talia stood there in awe.

“Nicole I’m so sorry this had to happen to you, you don’t deserve this, no one deserves to be raped! Shawn is going to get punished for this! We can’t let him get away with this! When are you going to open a case?” said Kim sobbing.

“Aunt, why aren’t you saying anything? You don’t believe me do you? I knew it! But I honestly need you to believe me! This happened and it hurt me! It created scars that will never be healed! Shawn broke me! He destroyed me! Aunt I need you to believe me!” said Nicole.

“Nicole! Nicole! I don’t know what you want me to say, honestly I believe that you were raped but that you were raped by Shawn! I don’t know how to respond to that!” said Talia.

“Aunt it was Shawn! I should have never said anything to you,” said Nicole devastated and overwhelmed.

“Nicole, I believe you and that’s all that matters! You have to open a case against him and I’ll be with you every step of the way! I promise,” said Kim.

“Nicole what evidence do you have that Shawn is the one that raped you?” asked Talia in a stern voice.

“ Did you at least take a rape kit?” she added.

“No aunt! This was carefully planned! I …” she was cut short by Talia.

“So you don’t have any evidence that Shawn raped you Nicole? Well, that is just useless! This is pointless! You didn’t take a rape kit, you didn’t do anything! Even if you were to open a case against him it wouldn’t go anywhere! Just deal with it and you’ll be fine,”  she then whispered under her breath, “ That’s even if you were raped,”
“I cannot believe that you of all people don’t believe me! How could you do that to me! I trusted you aunt but obviously you and Ruby are the same! I should have known! How could you protect him? Why are you protecting him? I cannot believe you right now!” Nicole then cried a river.
After a few minutes she moved from Kim's shoulder. She felt disgusted by Talia who just looked at her with no emotion. How could she be so ruthless? The woman that she had trusted with her deepest secrets didn’t give a fuck that she was raped. This shattered Nicole. It shattered that little piece of hope that she had that maybe justice could be served. It broke her.

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