Chapter 2

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       Chapter 2

“Nicole breakfast's ready!” announced Dean a little bit after 7am. Nicole didn’t answer. She had not sleep a wink at all. When she was making her way downstairs she felt a sudden urge to vomit but held it in.

“Nicole , Talia says you invited her here. Why?” asked Ruby. Nicole didn’t bother answering her mother.

“So , Nicole what are your plans for today? I’m sure with the schools closed you’re going to be spending a lot of time with Kim,” said Dean trying to clear the intense air that was filling the room.

“ You’re asked questions but you refuse to answer! Answer the damn questions. Why did you invite Talia here?” screamed Ruby at Nicole.

“Ruby it’s not a big deal that Talia's  coming here! You know the bond they share, maybe Nicole missed her. Let it go!”  said Dean.

“Dean, Nicole is my daughter! When I ask questions I expect her to answer me! NICOLE! ANSWER ME!”
Nicole just stood up and went back to her room upstairs and ringed Kim.




“Hey Nic I’m on my way,” said Kim when she answered the phone.

“Kim please take the longer route to get here,” said Nicole.

“But why?” asked Kim surprised.

“The route we use that passes through the park is no longer safe,”

“What are you talking about Nicole? We’ve been using that route since forever why should we stop now?” asked Kim.

“Kim it’s for your own good,”

“My own good? Nicole are you going crazy now?” she giggled then added, “ besides that route would take me at least 15 minutes and that’s 10 minutes  extra,”

“Kim  please, it’s for your own safety,” pleaded Nicole.

“You know what Nicole, it’s fine. I’ll take the longer route, we’re not going to argue about this,”

“Thank you,” said Nicole then she ended the call abruptly.

When Kim got there Nicole was settled on the stairs outside her house and when Nicole saw her, she immediately bursted  into tears. They embraced each other and Kim found herself crying simply because Nicole was crying, that’s how strong their bond was.

“ Nicole what’s going on?” asked Kim as she attempted to break the embrace.
“ Kim I just want to cry it out, I’m not ready to talk about it,” answered Nicole holding back a river of tears.

Kim hugged Nicole tighter than before as she cried all her troubles away. In Kim’s arms Nicole felt some sort of comfort , she always feels that way when her best friend Kim is by her side.

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