Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Nicole woke up from the drugs.
Nicole how are you feeling?
Was all she could hear. She batted her eyes a few times to clear her  blurry vision. Next to her bed she could see Dean and Kim and on the far corner of the hospital bed she could see Talia. She looked around but she could not see Ruby.
She rose from the bed like a monster.
“What is she doing here? Talia what are you doing here? I don’t want you here please leave!” she said but Talia did not respond. No one did.
“Nicole you are pregnant,” said Dean in a calm voice. Nicole said nothing for a few minutes. The room was filled with sudden silence.
She could not believe this but before she could say anything Talia asked her who the father of the baby was.
How could she ask such a stupid question. She knew who the father of the baby was , she just didn’t want to come  to terms with the fact that Shawn raped me and that he is now the father.
Nicole thought to herself. Of course she could have said that out loud but she chose to keep quiet because Dean didn’t know that she was raped. Dean actually cared about her. You could see that he had been crying from his puffy eyes. It didn’t bother her that her own biological mother wasn’t in that hospital room, Nicole knew that she would never stop drinking because  of her being hospitalized. Even if Nicole were to die Ruby wouldn’t go to her funeral.

“Nicole are you keeping the baby?” asked Kim. Right then and there it hit Nicole that she was actually pregnant with her rapist’s child. What was she going to do? Was she going to keep the baby? Was she going to open a case against Shawn? How was she going to keep the baby? She was only fifteen. Having a baby was definitely not in her future plans, especially if that baby was the result of her rape!  Keeping this baby irrespective of how it was conceived meant Ruby was right about her! It meant that all those painful things she had said to her were right!
The only thing Nicole wanted to do was to finish school and move out of that hell house but with a baby she could not do that! How was she even going to care for that baby? Diapers are expensive as fuck nowadays, what about baby formula? But then Nicole found herself smiling at the thought of holding her baby but soon after that she snapped out of it.

“I don’t know Kim. I honestly don’t know,” she answered.
“ You’re aborting that thing Nicole,” said Talia aggressively.

“Talia, it’s her choice. She’ll decide what she wants to do with her baby,” said Dean in a surprisingly calm manner.
“We should not mention any of this to Ruby,” added Talia sternly . No one responded. The room was filled with a truck load of silence, everyone thinking why Nicole would try to kill herself. Finally  Dean asked , “ Nicole why?” 

Nicole kept quiet. She didn’t have the strength to try to explain her pain to them only to be judged at the end so she chose to keep quiet. It seemed like the best thing to do at that time.

“Nicole tell us so that we can try to help you in anyway that we can,” he added
“ I don’t need any help Dean! I’m fine!” lashed out Nicole.
“If she says she’s fine then she’s fine! Nicole you’re not keeping this baby whether you like it or not and that’s final! Visitation hours are over and Kim has to get home so we’ll see you tomorrow Nicole!” blurted out Talia.
“Talia, don’t make this harder than it already is,” said Dean calmly.
“Aunt why are you doing me like this? I would have expected Dean to act like you’re acting now because he’s not my biological father but you? Why are you doing me like this?” asked Nicole visibly heartbroken.
Talia stared at Nicole emotionless then she headed for the exit door leaving Kim and Dean behind.
“Nicole I may not be your biological father but I care about you irrespective of that and I want you to know that. As for Talia,  she’s still shocked like all of us by the fact that you’re pregnant. Give her some time to cool off , I’m sure by tomorrow she'll be okay. Tomorrow when we come to check on you we have to talk about all of this. Meanwhile call the father of the baby and let him know that you’re pregnant. We’ll see you tomorrow. Have a great night!” said Dean as he headed to leave Nicole s hospital ward.
Kim and Nicole hugged and said their goodbyes.

Dean and Talia dropped Kim off at her house and on their way to drop Talia off at  Ruby’s  house Dean asked , “Talia why are you so against Nicole keeping this baby?”
“ Dean, Nicole is only 15. What does she know about carrying a bump for a whole nine months? She’s not ready to be a mother. You know, teenage pregnancy comes with more than just having to carry the child. It comes with embarrassment, being the topic of the day every day, your friends turn their backs on you, you’re judged by everyone, no one likes nor wants you. Dean, she’s not ready for all that!” said Talia holding back tears.
“ Talia I know and I totally get that but abortion is not right. That child in did nothing, it does not deserve to pay for its parents mistakes,”
“Dean, the doctor said it’s not a baby yet. Don’t give it life. If Nicole decided to keep that thing, she must know that I’m disappointed in her,”
“Talia we’re all disappointed in her but right now we have to look past that and focus on her unborn baby. I say we let her be the one to decide whether she keeps that baby or not so that tomorrow she does not wake up and say we forced her to do it,”
“ What about Ruby? Do we tell her that Nicole’s pregnant?”
“Then there’s that. No, we don’t tell her until Nicole’s decided whether she keeps her baby or not. We’ve arrived, I'll fetch you tomorrow around 2 pm so we can go to the hospital,”
“ Aren’t you staying?”
“No, Ruby and I aren’t in good terms right now. I need to cool off and think about this whole thing without her breathing down my neck,”
“Oh okay, have a great night,” said Talia.
When she was about to get out of the car Ruby came out the front door.
“What the fuck are you doing in Dean’s car Talia? Dean are you cheating on me with my sister?” asked Ruby obviously highly intoxicated.
Dean and Talia paid no attention to her and went their separate ways.

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