Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

As Nicole lay on her bed the events of that day came running to her mind. Her aunt’s words came rushing  to her like ocean waves crashing on rocks just not as relaxing. Right then and there it clicked in her mind that she was all alone. Yes Kim was there as supportive as she could ever be but the fact that her only aunt didn’t believe her broke her to the extent that she thought suicide was the only option she had. She didn’t want to die she just wanted the pain to end. 

The next morning Nicole was called downstairs by Ruby, she was sober now. Nicole didn’t respond. It was nothing to call home about so she brushed it off. Later that afternoon when Talia was ready to leave Nicole had still been in her room. Talia had planned to stay a bit longer but she could not. She was sure that Nicole didn’t want to see her which could explain why she locked herself in her room almost the whole day.  Kim had been calling her since 8 am but still she did not answer. She decided to head to her house as she was worried about her. When she got there she found Ruby going on with her day normally and Talia had already left when she got there.

“Hi Miss Ruby, where is Nicole?”
“Ohh hey Kim come on in! Nicole is upstairs in her room,” answered Ruby in a cheery way. That was unlike her at all.
Kim headed to Nicole’s room and she started banging on the door as it was locked. After 5 minutes that of that Nicole still had not woken up and opened the door. That’s when Kim noticed something was wrong with Nicole.
“ Nicole! Nicole! Nicole! Answer me! Are you okay! Nicole!” called out Kim. She then peeped through the keyhole and she could see where Nicole put her key and she could see her laying on her bed lifelessly. Kim  immediately tried breaking down the door without saying anything to Ruby and Ruby being herself didn’t seem to care that Kim was tearing the house down with her screams. Dean walked in the house astonished by the loud noise in the house.

“Ruby what’s going?” he asked harshly.
“Ohh baby you’re back! I knew you would not stay away from me for way too long! Last night was lonely without you babe,” said Ruby.
Dean paid no attention to Ruby and quickly headed to where the noise was coming from.
“Kim what’s going on? What are you doing?” he asked loudly trying to be louder than Kim's screams.
“Nicole! She’s in here and she’s not answering when I call her! She’s laying on her bed lifelessly and next to her there’s a bunch of pills! Please break down this door! Please!” Kim begged Dean whilst sobbing.

Dean quickly ran downstairs to the kitchen to get an axe to try to break down the door. A few minutes later the door had broken down. Nicole was on her bed laying there and with the visible bunch of pills next to her it was obvious what she had done or rather tried doing. Dean checked for a pulse and it was there but it was weak. Nicole could die any moment now.

“ We have to get her to the hospital and quick,” screamed Dean.

Kim and Dean headed to the hospital and Ruby didn’t bother tagging along. She just looked at them rushing out of the house with a drink in her hand. Not just any drink, she was drinking alcohol. Ruby had no care in the world that her only living daughter could die.

When they got to the hospital the doctors quickly drained the pills from her system. Dean called Talia to let her know of what had happened. She immediately booked a bus to return back and was there within the next two hours. In those two hours Ruby had not bothered to call or even go to the hospital. It was certified, Ruby was a sorry ass mistake of a mother, she was a bitch!

“ Dean I got here as soon as I could! Why did she do this? Is she okay? Dean what happened?” asked Talia the minute she got at the hospital.

“We think she tried committing suicide. She had locked her bedroom door. When we broke down the door next to her was a bunch pills and her pulse was weak. I can’t help but think that she could die. I can’t help but think that we were too late. What if she dies? What happens then? She’s only fifteen and she hasn’t lived her life. Talia what if she dies. I don’t what would drive her to do this. This hurts, a lot. Believe me it does. If she dies Kim losses her best friend and I … I lose the only person I ever had as a daughter but as for Ruby ... I don’t know what’s wrong with her. I honestly don’t know,” answered Dean trying to hold back his tears.

“Doctor how is she?” asked Dean when Nicole’s Doctor headed their way.

“Sir she is going to be okay. We’ve cleaned her system and she should be awake soon. We’ve sedated her so she can rest a little bit. You can see her and talk to her, she will hear you, she just won’t be able to respond to you. The only thing that came up when we ran some blood tests is that she is pregnant. Had she arrived here a second later she and her baby would have died,” said the doctor.

“Nicole is pregnant?” asked Kim, Dean and Talia in harmony shocked by what they just heard.

“Yes she is pregnant, but the baby is not yet a baby ,if you get what I’m saying. From the tests I can conclude that she’s only a few days pregnant. Maybe that is why she tried committing suicide,” he added.

They could not believe their ears. The doctor had just said that Nicole is pregnant. But how is she pregnant? That was the question going through Dean’s mind. Of course Kim and Talia knew who the father was. It was Dean. Talia stood there in dismay.

This is not happening! This cannot be happening!  Talia thought to herself.

Kim was astonished. It was like she has seen a ghost. Kim knew that having a baby was not a part of  Nicole’s life plans but unfortunately life happened. Life is a bitch if you ask me.

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