Chapter 1

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A 15 year old girl is raped by someone she later finds out that she's related to.Her rape leads to the uncovering of the dirtiest family secrets which most would prefer they stay hidden.

Rape Pregnancy Lies
By Kwanele Msibi

“No! Shawn please stop! Help! Somebody help! Please stop! No! Shawn! No!” Nicole screamed her lungs out hoping  someone would help her. A  normal Saturday turned out to be the start of her nightmares. She was lying on Shawn’s car seat , helplessly crying out for help. She was on her way to the park to meet up with her best friend Kim when Shawn’s car  stopped in front of her and Shawn and his two friends  dragged her to the car. Shawn drove faraway from the neighborhood and stopped in the middle of nowhere. There were lots of trees and the only thing there was a small cottage.

“Screaming for help won’t help you Nicole! There’s no one here except for the four of us! So shut the fuck up! Guys run her a warm bath and fix the bed for us. I'll be there in a few minutes,” Shawn ordered his two friends and they did just that. They prepared for Nicole's agony like they weren’t human. Shawn came back and he dragged Nicole from the bathtub to the bed like he was dragging a big bag, like he was dragging a dead animal, like he had no heart. Obviously all of this was planned out properly and I doubt they made any mistakes. Shawn did as he pleased on Nicole's body. Shawn raped Nicole. After that they once again forced her to take a bath and dumped her exactly where they had found her. She ran for her life.

“If you know what’s good for you, you won’t utter a word to anyone or anything or else you’re done for!” Those words kept running through Nicole’s mind as she ran back to her house. How could she have trusted Shawn, but also how could she have not trusted him, she grew up with him. Yeah, sure he is four years older than her but he is in almost each and every childhood picture of her in her house. He was almost like her cousin until life happened and Shawn diverted into the crime life, he used drugs and became a womanizer. But now he was nothing more but her rapist. The person that took away her innocence. The person she had trusted was the one that destroyed her.

“Nicole where have you been?” asked Dean, her stepfather. Her father left her and her older sister when she was born. He stuck around for about the first 2 years of her sister , Samantha’s life then he left to God knows where. 2 years later he returned and they got back together and they had Nicole, he stuck around for a year and he left again. Last they heard about his whereabouts was 3 years ago when Samantha died. He wasn’t bothered as much about Sam's death like a father would. He didn’t even show up for the funeral. “Ruby, I have my own family now so please don’t bother me about what goes on in your children’s lives. I don’t give a fuck about what goes on in your  children’s lives. My condolences about losing your daughter.”  That’s all he said and that was the last they ever heard from him.

“Uhh... Nicole, No answer? Where the hell have you been! Dean asked you a question so answer it!” said Ruby, Nicole’s mother. She was once a loving and caring mother until Sam's death. After her drowning accident she completely changed for the worst. She drowned herself into alcohol and it’s only by luck that she was able to keep her job safe and honestly I don’t know  what Dean sees in her. She’s mean generally and towards her only living child but she does have good parts to her, she has such a beautiful smile and her eyes are extremely beautiful but sometimes it feels as if Ruby hates Nicole. When Sam died she took a piece of Ruby with her.

“No, babe it’s fine,” said Dean. Nicole ran up the stairs to her room. There, she silently busted into tears, running the events of the day through her mind. She hated Shawn. How could he do that her, to anyone for that matter.
“Babe, don’t let that kid get to you. I honestly don’t know what she thinks of herself,” said Ruby.
“Ruby don’t you see something’s wrong with Nicole. She didn’t put a fight like she always does when asked about her whereabouts. She just stood there lifelessly. I swear to you something’s wrong with Nicole,” answered Dean.
“Dean babe, nothing’s wrong with Nicole! She’s a fifteen year old girl, she has nothing to stress about. She's moody for God's sake! And besides I couldn’t care less about her!”
“Ruby,  she’s your one and only daughter but you treat her like nothing! You treat her like she means nothing to you! Are you not ashamed of yourself?!”
“Dean! Don’t tell me about my parenting skills! You know nothing about raising two kids then one day you wake up to the screams of only one child! I have only one daughter Dean and that daughter is… was Samantha! Don’t tell me about Nicole!”
“What? Ruby you’re toxic! I’m sleeping on the couch today! I seriously cannot  with you right now!” said Dean as he walked away from Ruby with disgust.

Nicole could barely sleep that night. The second she tried closing her eyes she remembered everything clearly. 3am she still hadn’t slept a wink.
‘I have to talk to someone about this,’ she thought to herself. ‘ Definitely not my mother nor Dean. I  have to talk to Kim and aunt Talia about this, at least I know they will listen and help me in any way,’ she added and called her best friend Kim.
She had known Kim for 3 years and their friendship could not be more beautiful. When Nicole opened her phone  she saw a message from Kim that cancelled their meet up 5 minutes after she Nicole had left her house headed to park.
‘ If I hadn’t put my message notifications on silent I would have seen that message and headed back home immediately and none of this would have happened ! I would have never been raped!’ she thought.
          RING ! RING ! RING!
        NO answer!
      RING ! RING ! RING!

Kim didn’t answer so she decided to call her aunt Talia. Talia was her second best friend. She was her aunt but they were best friends. They spoke about everything and anything. In one of their conversations birth control came up. But Nicole brushed it off because she wanted to abstain from sex and she  wasn’t ready to break her virginity until she had reached 18 but that was before she was raped by Shawn. Then it hit her that she could be pregnant with her rapist's child. Shawn didn’t use a condom! She could be pregnant with Shawn’s child. The  though of that she could be pregnant with her rapist’s child hit hard the most.

              RING !      RING!     RING!

         NO ANSWER!


“  Nic … Nicole ... Hello,” answered Talia in a sleepy voice.
“Hi … uhh … Aunt I … I … really need you,” she said.
“ At 3 am? Uhh… Nicole are you okay?”
“Please… please get here as soon as you can… I’m not okay Aunt,”
“ I can only get there in a few days, what’s going  on Nicole?”
“Please Aunt get here ... Please,”
“Okay but Nicole what’s going on? Have you told your mother about  what’s going on?”
“No, and please don’t tell her! I’ll tell her when I’m ready,”
“The soonest I can get there is Thursday.  What is this about Nicole?”
“ Can’t you get here before Thursday Aunt?”
“No Nicole Thursday is my day off and that’s the only time I can make it,”
“Okay aunt I’ll see you on Thursday then,” said  Nicole as she ended the call abruptly. Was she ready to tell her aunt that she was raped? That she was raped by Shawn, a boy that her aunt adored dearly ever since he was a kid? Would she even believe her? What about her mom? Would she believe her? How would she react? Would Kim believe her?
'I have to tell them no matter what,’ she thought to herself and decided to redial Kim's number.

                          RING ! RING ! RING!

She answered on the third ring without looking at the caller ID.
“Hi who's this?”
“ It's Nicole,”
“Oh hey babes, it’s so late what’s up?”
“ I … uhh… I need to talk to you today,”
“Yeah sure talk,”
“No…I…I seriously need to talk to you,”
“Okay uhh , weird and why are you lying about?”
“Nicole when  you lie you stutter,”
“Kim please come to my house later today,”
“Okay, but couldn’t this wait till normal people wake up”
“Kim, please,”
“Okay, I’ll be there,”

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