Chapter Nine

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(song 'How to save a life' by The Fray)

                                                                              Chapter Nine- Isabella's POV

Pain. That’s all I felt. I hope this isn’t what death felt like because, if anything, it was worse than life. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t move, even just the thought about talking or functioning hurt. Was this the ‘in between’ that you hear and see on the movies. The part where your soul doesn’t know if it should move on yet, or you have unfinished business on earth. The only thing I can think of that I didn’t get to do was say goodbye. That was taken away from me. I will never get to see Scar grow up, get her first kiss, first boyfriend, her wedding, her first child. I won’t get to see the man I hate, out away and rot in jail.

’ll be forever this, endless pain just floating around in nothing because there is nowhere for me to go. Every now and then I think I can hear something but it hurts too much to concentrate on the sound. The thought of me still being alive and lying on my bedroom floor, with my dad hovering over me has entered my mind more than once… but that couldn’t happen. I’m dead I know I am.

I can feel myself being pulled away. Maybe this is it, maybe it is time for me to go after all.

Eddie’s POV

Have you ever felt like the world has almost stopped moving, and there is only one thing you can acknowledge, while everyone around you keeps on living their normal day to day lives? Have you ever felt so lost that her like a little kid again, a kid who lost their mommy at the park or at the grocery store?When you’ve seen the one you love in pain, and suffering, then you’ll know. When you watch them, helplessly, lying on a bed with wires coming out of everywhere, wires that are keeping them alive, then you’ll know.

I watched Isabella’s lifeless body on the hospital bed. I had cried more tears than I ever thought possible.

You don’t know what you’ve got until its gone and I didn’t know how much I loved this girl until she was almost taken form me. Her body pale and ice cold like there was no life there at all. But here is. And I will hold on to that until she takes her last breath. Ill hold on to that until her heart stops beating. Yes, I sound like that gay dude from Twilight but that’s what she does to me. She turns me into a love sick puppy, and I don’t care

As soon as we left her house after we stayed the weekend, the guys knew how I felt. They could see it. Of course, being the macho guy I am, I denied it but you can’t deny feeling when they won’t go away, and every time you think about this person, they get stronger.

I was at my mom’s place when Zak called. He went home late one night to drop by. He was going to stay the night and surprise them in the morning but when he called, he sounded panicked. More than panicked. He sounded hopeless. He told me that there had been an accident but didn’t give any details. Of course I didn’t think it was that big of a deal, but I woke the rest of the guys and drove he two hour journey to the hospital. The moment we stepped through the front doors, I knew something was off and it was more serious than we had originally anticipated. We could feel it.

Zack sat on a chair in the waiting room crying. I had never seen him cry, and there I stood watching tears run down his face. It had got to the point where he didn’t bother wipe them away.

Now I sit on the chair, watching the most important girl in my life, battling something that no one knows of. The doctors said that she wasn’t dying but she was close to it. They didn’t know why she hadn’t woken up… after the first few days they expected her to, but a whole week later and there is no sign of movement.

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