scp 035 vore POV

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You'd helped out this man..well, it wasn't really a man, rather, he's..a...yeah. You had no idea what he was, but, he was helping you get out, while you helped him. All seemed good, until you were near the exit. That's when you met a fate worse than death...

The light from the sun was glaring. It was so bright, you covered your eyes from it. "You know, they aren't going to let you out alive, right?" "Both of us just went through this entire damn building only for you to-" "Shh. They're gonna hear us and kill you and me! Look, I'm sorry. This is where we part ways. I'll go out this way, and can find your own way pal. Goodbye." He walked away. You walked opposite of his way, walking towards a large, black door, and opened it. It lead you to a hallway. You looked left and right so you didn't get caught right after opening the door. You walked west, then turned, then north, but then, something grabbed your shoulder, pulling you back. The entity did a low chuckle before speaking. "Well, looks like you're coming with me!" "What do you mean?" "You know how I said we were parting ways?" "Yes?" "Well, I think you need a little..warm place to stay before you leave, or should I say..we."

The man then gripped your arms together, while his mask shifted sideways, revealing his mouth, with teeth and tongue included. His acidic tongue licked your neck, you squinted in response. He shoved your head into his mouth, which looked similar to a normal human mouth, but with black liquid that was the same as the liquid on his tongue. He slowly engulfed you down, letting you savor your demise while it lasted. You were then trapped in the man's stomach, it gurgled while black liquid dripped from the walls. The sound and smell nearly made you sick, too. The male then proceeded to walk with holding his gut, which made everything worse.

The black liquid and his stomach acid start to slosh around, which then gave a devilish idea. You started to kick at his stomach walls, which displeased him. "Look bud, I was just hungry! I'm sorry you have to put through this, but at least it's better than being killed!" He angrily responded. You started to kick even harder than before. "BEELLLLCH-Ugh! Can you please just stop! Do you want to die faster, dumbass?" "You just said I wasn't going to be killed a moment ago!" "J-just-BURRRRRRRRPPP!-just forget about, god!" Minutes after the argument, his acids started to rise. "That'll get you to shut up." He mockingly said. All of you started to dissolve into body fat, and the only thing that remained was your skeleton, which was split into parts. "BEEEEELLLLLLLLLCCCCHHHHH-There we go~. That fucker was quite annoying for a gullible idiot."

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