Chapter 21. Compromise.

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Briel knew that Kincade expected him to undergo a full body wax and he agreed to that, but when he saw the young woman stepping in to work on him he shook his head.

"I would prefer one of your male colleagues", he said blushing under her surprised expression.

"Mr. Russell was very specific in this instructions, sir. I can't simply alter his arrangements", she apologized.

"Give me a minute", Briel said reaching for his phone, deciding that the quickest way to deal with this was to call him.

"Angel", he heard Kincade answer on the second ring. "What can I do for you?"

"You arranged a woman for my full body wax. I would prefer it to be done by a man", Briel clarified.

"Well, I don't", was the surprising response. "I would hate the idea of some other man seeing your private parts. They're all gay, you know. I can't have them covet what's currently mine. I won't allow that. The answer is no."

Briel scowled at his phone.

"Is this you negotiating every step?" he said in a calm voice. "I feel uncomfortable with a woman, because unlike you I'm straight. Men, even the gay one's, don't bother me."

Kincade didn't appreciate the reminder.

"You want a compromise?", he snapped. "Me or a woman. Pick one and call me back."

Briel stared at his black screen. 'If Kincade had given him the chance he'd be able to give his answer already. It really was a no brainer.'

-I'll be waiting for your arrival- he send in a text.

Kincade felt like he walked on air. 'His Angel was ready to show him his naked form and let him touch his intimate parts. Of his own free will...well...with some encouragements.'

Briel had given the woman permission to start with his upper body and legs, leaving anything covered by his shorts for Kincade. The whole process was simple enough. Talcum powder, hot wax, rip and repeat. It would be agonizing to do this to his private parts, however the end results were worth the pain. Or so Benny told him. The thing that convinced Briel to go through with it was the clean feel he already noticed and loved from the hair free skin.

"Perfect timing", he said looking up at Kincade walking in when the woman put the last bit of hot wax on his legs.

Kincade smiled inspecting the material and checking his waxed upper body.

"Your skin seems to react well to the treatment", he noted tracing the exposed skin with his fingers. "I'm pleased you're letting me do this", drawing small circles on Briel's hair-free but slightly pouchy belly. "Not ticklish?" Kincade observed the relaxed posture of Briel. "Did you have any difficulty with all the touching of strangers today?" he asked hoping that his hunch was right.

"Nope", Briel shook his head raising himself to his elbows. "They explained what was going to happen and left room for me to change what I didn't like", he bit his lip. "Like the nail polish? No way!"

"I don't remember ordering nail polish?" Kincade shook his head in surprise.

"I know. You arranged a clear varnish", Briel rolled his eyes. "Benny convinced them that a nice soft pink would suit me better. I refused both", he said checking Kincade's expression.

"No problem", Kincade answered.

When the woman left Briel lifted his hips to lower his shorts and to his surprise was stopped by Kincade.

"Slow down. Let me savor the moment."

"This is a moment?" Briel asked confused sitting up.

"Most certainly", Kincade nodded. "You asked me to come here, prepared to show me your most intimate of spots and let me touch them", he ended practically beaming.

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