Chapter 30. Crossing boundaries.

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While Briel was busy with his weekly update Kincade decided to go out to buy a new iPad instead of having it delivered. He needed the time to clear his head and think of a reasonable explanation for Conrad who would be questioning every word to leave his lips.

He still felt pleased with the gentle blush that appeared on Briel's cheeks when he placed the kiss on his fingers. Even more so when the boy showed no adverse reaction by pulling away his hand. Seemed like the suggestion to start getting more familiar with each other by holding hands was working out.

Walking past a clothing store he halted when an outfit in the window display caught his eye and an idea popped into his head. 'Nothing wrong with having a little fun, right?'

Having completed all his shopping he returned home, worked on altering the paperwork and called Conrad for a quick update.

"I'll come over", Conrad said. "Catering is busy with setting everything up and I don't want to disturb Jordan who is using my study."

"Sure", Kincade answered. "That gives me a good reason to break the seal on that whiskey you bought me last year."

Conrad fell silent.

"Are you referring to the twenty-five year old prize winning single malt 'Toiteach A Dha' by Bunnahabhain? That's a pricy drink for something as simple as an amendment. Should I be afraid of what you're going to tell me?"

"You'll see", Kincade rushed out disconnecting the call. 'Maybe it was too much to open a three hundred dollar bottle, but he wanted to share this special moment with his brother.'

Conrad suspiciously eyed the set up when Kincade let him in. After sitting down he took the papers and read them sporting a deep frown. Kincade held his breath when he reached the amended parts and his eyebrows raised into his hairline.

"No way", he exclaimed throwing Kincade an incredulous look. "I don't believe it." He held up the incriminating papers. "I have to hear this from Gabriel himself."

"I understand", Kincade nodded. "Please know that Gabriel requested this himself. I didn't ask for this."

"Oh, I'm certain that you really protested and tried to talk him out of it", Conrad snorted rolling his eyes. "I'm not signing anything until I'm a hundred percent sure that this is the right way to proceed." He lifted his glass with expensive liquid. "And that will need more than Gabriel saying he wants to enter into a more intimate relationship", he warned Kincade before he downed the glass in one go.

Kincade observed the movement with narrowed eyes.

"Gabriel agreed to us holding hands for the rest of the day", and shook his head. " Somehow I feel this is not the thing that is bothering you", he noted refilling his brother's glass.

"You're right", Conrad agreed nipping the golden nectar this time. "Linc didn't specify who he's taking and you know how he can be. I'd rather not have a drama filled evening. Jordan deserves the opportunity to relax."

"I'll call Gabriel. Have him come over for a moment", Kincade said phone in hand.

When Briel didn't pick up he tried again walking in the direction of the door separating their dwellings. After the third time he got impatient and opted for a video call. Still no response. Kincade looked at the time. It was almost six. Still well in the time Gabriel claimed to have needed to finish his work. Why then was he not responding?

"Excuse me for a moment", he said to Conrad and send Briel a text that he was coming over. Whether or not the boy read it was not going to stop him. He wanted a face to face explanation as to why Briel didn't pick up his calls. He came to hate it when Gabriel ignored him, either on purpose or just because he wasn't concerned. It made him feel vulnerable. An emotion he swore off a long time ago.

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