Chapter 6

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Naruto had spent three days in the hospital recovering from his injuries. Currently he was laying atop his hospital bed asleep. The morning sunlight was flooding through the windows as the nurse watching over him saw fit that his rest be disturbed by the protruding beams. Trying to find a way to relieve his eyes of the tortious beams, Naruto tilted his head away from the windows only to be met with the wires that were laying beside his pillow, connected to the medical equipment that were beeping continuously.

Groaning as he was half awake and knew his body wouldn't allow for more sleep, Naruto allowed his eyes to opened and took in the sight of his hospital room, after they adjusted to the light. Like all the hospital room he was in the last time he had been attacked, the room was pretty bland, but the most boring of things always held a special touch added to them.

The special thing that currently brightened up the room and Naruto's mood, was the bright roses in the corner of the room with many get well cards. Although most of the cards were over shadowed by the large five foot cardboard one made by his mother. Smiling at the display, Naruto tried to get up, but found the patches on his left arm restricting him to the bed. Sighing he laid back and began to circulate his chakra to feel the comforting, warm flow his chakra gave off.

As his chakra flowed at a calming pace through his body as he called upon it, Naruto relaxed into his bed enjoying the feeling. As he called upon it more and more a feeling of euphoria washed over his body. He embraced the feeling and was about to fall back into the world of slumber, until a chill, dark feeling invaded his chakra system feeling him with dread and hatred.

Naruto's eyes shot open and he sat up straight. He broke out in a cold sweat as he unconsciously stopped the flowing of his chakra to find whatever the feeling of cold, overpowering hatred had come from. He was so lost in his concern for finding the mysterious feeling that he didn't even notice the heart rate monitor he was hook up to was beeping wildly.

The door to his hospital room flew open as Yui ran into the room and seeing him awake eased him back into a laying position. Checking the monitor, while keeping an eye Naruto as he calmed, Yui noticed a thin coating of red chakra receding into the brunette's skin. Curious as to why chakra was being emitted off her patient, Yui grabbed her clipboard and a pen.

Sitting in the swivel chair by his bed, Yui clicked her pen and looked at Naruto. "Good morning, Naruto. My name is Yamanka Yui, and I am head nurse over your department. If you don't mind I would like to ask you a few questions... if that is alright." She said as Naruto wiped the gathered sweat off his forehead. Nodding his head and giving her a smile he said.

"Sure thing doc."

Yui smiled before she looked down at her clipboard. "Okay to start off with, are you feeling any pain in your chest, legs, or eyes?" Yui asked and studied the boys face.

Naruto put a finger on his chin as if trying to scan his body. "Besides the stiffness from laying for so long, I'd say I'm fine, but I'm confused as to why you think something is wrong with my eyes. Did someone try to scoop my eyes out!" He asked in a child-like panic as he began to pat the area around his eyes in panic. Yui chuckled at his antics while shaking her head.

"I can assure you nobody tried to take your eyes. It's just something came up during our observations of you after you attack." Yui said and Naruto's face grew into a worried expression.

"Everything is all okay right?" Naruto asked and Yui inclined her head.

"That remains to be seen. If you may, can you channel chakra to your eyes for me?"

Naruto looked at her confused at the request, but shrugging his shoulders he closed his eyes and began to concentrate his chakra to his eyes. Once more he felt the warmth of his chakra flowing throughout his body and felt a part detached from his body to travel up his spine, through the back of his head, arriving at it's final destination. Inwardly he felt his perception and visual prowess grow exponentially. He felt as if he could see everything and anything. He heard Yui dropped her clipboard and frowned as he thought something was wrong.

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