Chapter 10

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Two days have pasted since Team Eight had encountered Zabuza and the mysterious hunter ninja. The group of shinobi had safely escorted Tazuna back to his home within Wave country, and had met his lovely and kind daughter Tsunami. She welcomed Team Eight into her home, after hearing of the events that transpired during their trip to Wave. Team Eight were very thankful for the generosity, Tsunami showed them as she took it upon herself to feed them. As payment for her inviting personality Team Eight helped out with the morning errands whenever they weren't training or whenever some wasn't watching over Tazuna at his bridge. Plus Naruto and Hinata got the added bonus of rewarding Kiba with two brand new lumps atop his head whenever he tried to 'flirt' with the woman.

They also met Tsunami's son, Inari. He was mostly quiet and strayed away from conversation with the outsiders, choosing to talk mostly to his mother and grandfather. Although he seemed shy, Naruto thought he had seen the young boy eyeing him and his team with disgust whenever they weren't paying any attention to the boy. It worried the Jinchūriki that he may have said something that upset the boy, but seeing as Inari never seemed to speak up about the issue, Naruto chose to remain ignorant of the looks.

Ignoring the minor issue with their host's son, Naruto turned his thoughts back to something that had been bothering him the past few days.

The fact that Zabuza may be alive.

As impossible as he thought it was, the fact that Kurenai had brought up the possibility made his worry. If Zabuza was indeed alive that would mean whoever this hunter ninja was; had to the Demon of The Mist's apprentice, and that was not just it. What worried him more was the fact that this apprentice managed to avoid the detection of Hinata's Byakūgan and Naruto's own ByakūSharingan.

Because of this new revelation, Naruto had asked Kurenai to up Team Eight's training to prepare for another clash between the Demon and his masked second hand. Hence is why a blindfolded Naruto is now sweating profusely as he tried to remain stuck on the underside of a tree branch on one foot, while Kiba and Hinata threw kunai at targets beside his head. Of course Kurenai was there to deflect any kunai that got too close to his head... Right? He didn't even know as he was blindfolded too. 'Sensei has been putting us through hell! When I asked her to up our training, I DIDN'T THINK THAT SHE WOULD RESORT TO SUCH A DEADLY EXERCISE!' Naruto complained to himself, as he didn't dare announce his problem, unless he wanted to receive Kurenai's wrath. 'I think she has been hanging out with that Anko, woman too much!'

Suddenly he felt a presence appear beside him which confused the brunette. "Kurenai-sensei, is that you?" He asked but received no answer. "Sensei?" He asked again, only to immediately regret it as he felt something solid slam onto his ankle making him lose his focus and fall towards the ground head first. Luckily for the Jinchūriki, Hinata and Kiba managed to rush over in time to catch the falling boy and sat him down safely on the ground where he immediately took of his blindfold and peered up at Kurenai; who looked down on him with an plain expression. "What was that for?!" Naruto shouted clearly irritated.

"I was just checking how focused you were with your task. Clearly we have more work to do, as getting knocked off your balance during a fight could be the last mistake you ever make!" Kurenai lectured before turning he gaze to Kiba. "Okay Kiba you're up! And don't you think that I will go easy on you. Just because Naruto and Hinata received more training in chakra control at a young age, doesn't mean you have an excuse to complain about this task being difficult. My job is to make this team work, and to make this team work, I need for each member to be around the same level in skill." Kurenai explained as she gracefully dropped from the tree branch and landed on the ground. After which she pointed up towards the same branch and motioned for Kiba to get up to it.

The Inuzuka grumbled under his breath as he marched his way over to the tree trunk and walked up the bark. Akamaru watched his master walk up the tree truck with a happy attitude as the young pup got the day to nap, but just as he was about to lay down a large shadow stretched over his figure. Turning around the dog nearly wet himself when he saw Kurenai standing over him. "That means you too, Akamaru!" Kurenai ordered while pointing up to Kiba who had just got into the spot and tied the blindfold, Naruto had given him, over his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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