Chapter 9

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"I can explain!" Tazuna shouted with his hands held up infront of him, as if that was going to protect him from Kurenai. Kurenai leveled a stern gaze at the man. "Then start talking." She ordered.

"Okay! You know how I was explaining how life is like now that Gatō has gotten his slimy hands around Wave's throat. Well you see, I have been hired by the people of Wave to build a bridge that would connect us to the main land and allow for merchants and travelers to use horse drawn carriages to free travel between us and land." Tazuna explained. "The thing is however is that Gatō is against the idea and has been sending his goons to harass us. So far we have managed to defend ourselves against the thugs and have continued the construction of the bridge, but rumors have spread that Gatō has recently hired four shinobi." Tazuna said and motioned his hand over to the Demon Brothers.

Kurenai studied the man's face closely, looking for any hint that he was lying, but after seeing no such signs she let a sigh. "Well there's nothing we can do." She said plainly. The words shocked her students, but mortified Tazuna.

"Wha-what do you mean there's nothing you can do?! Don't tell me you're planing on giving up the mission!" Tazuna shouted before dropping to his knees. "Please I beg you! The people of Wave are in desperate need and only my bridge will save us! PLEASE I'LL DO ANYTHING!" Tazuna begged. Kurenai looked down at the man with no sign of backing down, before she turned to look at her Genin standing behind her.

"What do you guys think? This mission has been bumped up to a B-Ranked mission. The rules say that we need to head back so a more experienced team can take over. Yet as a Jonin if I decide that my team can handle the mission, I must ask them what they want to do." Kurenai said with a smile. "So what do you guys want to do?"

"I say we continue with the mission!" Naruto said with confidence. "We are Konoha shinobi and it is our duty to help those in need! Kurenai-sensei, would it not be against our values if we abandoned Tazuna here? Would be abandon the people of Wave, who have put their faith into Tazuna to build a bridge that may not be complete if we turn back now? I say we continue on and prove that our Will of Fire burns bright and soon the people of Wave will know that brightest too!" Naruto exclaimed as he took out his Chokutō and pointed it towards their target.

Kiba and Hinata also showed their support as they stood beside Naruto, and stared at their sensei with unwavering eyes; full of determination. Tazuna was tearing up after he saw the young Genin he had made fun of throwing their careers on the line if it meant that his small village could one day be filled with smiles.

Kurenai looked at the faces of each of her charges and smiled. "I'm glad you all fill that way." She said with pride. "Okay everyone back into formation! We may have more difficult threats up ahead! I want everyone to be vigilant, If you think an enemy is near alert the group!" Kurenai said as she took up her spot at the back of the group. Kiba jumped in the front with Akamaru, Naruto on the left, and Hinata on the right; in between them was Tazuna who was thanking Kami for such gracious bodyguards.

And so off the group went, unknowingly be watched by a masked individual.

:Three Hours Later:

Naruto jumped off the small boat they had borrowed from a fisherman to cross the first of two large rivers between the mainland and Wave. There was a wooden bridge that connected the island in between Wave with the mainland, but it was heavily patrolled by Gatō's thugs.

"Isn't this land beautiful Naruto?" Hinata asked as she pressed herself up against Naruto's arms as she gazed at the calm glistening water surrounding the small island and the swaying trees.

"Yeah it is quite nice, but Hinata please do let go of Kiba's arms. He looks like he's going to fate from blushing too much." Naruto joked from beside a chuckling Kurenai.

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