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Nini pov:

I was frozen in my spot. Did that actually just happen? As soon as she had kissed his cheek she had run into the school. Maybe I was just imagining it, that is at least what I was hoping. I know Ricky and I know he would not do that. Or would he?

Maybe I am wrong, and I do not know the new Ricky as well as I thought. Maybe I was just hoping that my Ricky would come back, the Ricky I used to call my best friend. It was always my dream, but dreams do not come true and definitely not for me. So, I decided that I was better off alone. I took a deep breath before making my way into the school.

It is normal for me to now walk into the school and have no one insult me or even look at me in a weird way. Did Ricky maybe still care about me deep down? Well, he told me he did and I believe that part, just not that he did not change. I shook my head to get rid of any thoughts regarding him. On my way to my locker, I walked past Ricky and his friends, who were smiling at me, but I walked past them without giving them as much as a glance. I reached my locker and quickly shoved my bag into it before grabbing my math book and shutting it close. In the corner of my eye, I saw Gina walking towards me, so I quickly walked towards my class.

She kept following me though, so I decided to go to Miss Jenn's office to thank her for letting e leave early yesterday. I knew she would not care, but I just needed an excuse to get rid of Gina.

I knocked on the office door "Come in." My hand reached for the door handle and pushed it down. "Nina" She said surprised, but she quickly smiled "Great to see you." I smiled slightly too. "I just came here to say thank you for letting me leave early yesterday" I explained. "Of course," Miss Jenn stood up from her chair and took a step towards me. "How is your mom doing?"

I looked down "Not to well, but they think she'll make it." She nodded her head "I hope she'll get better quickly so you can stop worrying. I'm just glad you have Ricky with you in these hard times." I did not have the heart to tell that I am not talking to him, not that it is her business anyways. "Anyways, I should head to class" I said the second the bell rang.

I quickly got out of her office and to my surprise Gina was still there wating for me. "Nini" She said when I tried to walk past her. I took a deep breath before facing here. "I have class now" Is all I said before juts running away.

The rest of the day passed with me making up excuses as to why I could not talk to either of Ricky's friends. They all tried, well except Ricky himself. Maybe he thinks I will not talk to him because of the kiss, but honestly that was my smallest problem with him. When the day came to an end, I walked out of the school with no intention of going back to Ricky's. At least not until the evening.

That plan failed though because as soon as I stepped through the door, I saw all of Ricky's friend and Ricky standing in front of me. "Do you have time to talk now?" Ashlyn asked me.

I desperately tried to find any kind of excuse, but honestly, I had none. "I guess" I mumbled, hoping that no one heard, but obviously they did. "Great, then you can tell us why you've been ignoring your friends all of the sudden" Gina said, and Kourtney nodded her head in agreement. I looked at all of them one by one before my eyes fell on Ricky. He was looking at me with worry in his eyes, but what caught my attention was his arm. His arm was draped over Gina's shoulder.

"You guys are not my friends" Was all I said before running away and towards my house.

Shortly after I got there and immediately saw the car sitting in the driveway. I still went to open the door. When I went inside, I heard voices coming from the kitchen. "She won't come here, she isn't stupid" A female said. "You don't know her like I do" None other than my father answered. The women sighed "I guess it is worth a try." I can only imagine my dad smirking. I walked all the way to the kitchen, where the voices were coming from. The did not see me so I made my presence known by coughing.

My dad's eyes fell on me "Well I'm glad you decided to show up Nina." Without thinking I ran into his arms. I still saw the father I loved so much in him. His eyes softened when he saw my tear-stained face. My dad wrapped his arm tightly around me "Nina you know I'm doing this because it's what's best for you, right?" I hesitantly nodded my head "Can we not talk about that? I just want to go. Anywhere but here." He kissed my hair and then let go of me. "You want to go with me? What changed your mind?"

I sighed "I thought I had something left here other than my mother. I still hate you for leaving, but at least you aren't pretending like you did not change." He nodded his head as a sign that he understood "Go pack your things. Just the most important stuff, we can come back for the rest."

First off I'm sorry for not updating a lot. I can't promise that I'll update a lot just that I will be more likely to since my grades for this year are final by tonight.

Second off please don't think I'm crazy for what I did. I have my reasons, which I think y'all will like

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