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"SO, APPARENTLY, YOU'RE ABOUT to die." I comment, as I walk into Rose's room.

"Finally, right?" Rose jokes weakly, as she shifts on the bed. "You must be relieved."

"That's not the word I'd use." I reply, walking near the bed.

"I suppose you're not here to save the day by knowing the nonexistent cure for a werewolf bite." She tells me.

"I wish." I tell her. "Then, maybe I could actually be able to ask you to forgive me."

"You did not do anything wrong." She says, as I sit down on her bed. "It was Katerina."

"Yes, but I didn't exactly step in, either." I reply. "And, I still defend her, to this day."

"You're having doubts, about whether your sister is actually worth your loyalty or not?" She asks me.

"I would be naive not to." I reply.

"Katerina has done horrible things." Rose says.

"I know." I whisper.

"But, she is your family." Rose continues. "I stood by Trever no matter what he did, because he was my family. I will not be a hypocrite and tell you to abandon Katerina, when I stood by Trevor."

I give her a sad smile.

"Rest, Rose." I tell her, softly. "I will go."

I get up, and walk to the door, but her words make me stop at the doorframe.

"You know, Stefan's in love with Elena." Rose says, and I don't turn around.

"I know." I whisper.

"And, Damon is in love with Elena." Rose adds, and I turn around.

"I know that too." I tell her.

"It's just like Katerina all over again." Rose says, making me shake my head a little.

"No." I tell her. "This is much worse."

"SO, ROSE IS ABOUT to die." I say, as I toss a bottle of blood into the tomb, and Katerina catches it. She opens the bottle and takes a long sip.

"Let me guess." Katerina says, taking a breath. "Werewolf bite?"

"She only has until tonight." I tell Katerina.

"And we all know there is no cure for a werewolf bite." Katerina says, and I bite my tongue before I tell her the truth. "She will not make it."

"I know." I reply, sitting down.

"Oh, don't tell me you fell guilty." Katerina says, in distaste. "It's not like we forced her into turning us into vampires."

"Actually, that's exactly what we did." I correct her, and she rolls her eyes. "But, no. I don't feel guilty. Everyone is responsible for their own decisions. I don't carry around guilt about all the people that made bad decisions because of us."

"If you did, you wouldn't be able to get up in the morning." Katerina replies.

"Why did you not choose?" I ask her, suddenly, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"What?" She asks, furrowing her brows in confusion.

"Why did you not choose one Salvatore?" I clarify. "Why play around with both of them?"

"Because I could. Because that made me feel powerful." She replies, simply. "We have one, when you could have both?" She leans back. "Why are you asking me this?"

"Just curiosity." I reply.

"HELLO, BELLALINE." I HEAR Elijah's voice as I was once again sitting in the Mystic Grill.

"Have you compelled someone to notify you as soon as I step foot here?" I ask him, frustrated.

"As a matter of fact, yes, I have." He replies.

"Of course." I say, sarcastically.

"I heard that your friend Rose is about to pass away." He starts, making me roll my eyes.

"Okay, I get that she's dying, but why is everything in my life suddenly about Rose?" I ask him. "And, she's not my friend."

"If my information is correct, she was bit by a werewolf." Elijah continues.

"Yes, and?" I ask him, impatiently.

"So, my question is, why are you sitting here, instead of helping them save her?" Elijah asks me.

"No one can help her." I reply, plainly. "As everyone knows, there is no cure to a werewolf bite."

"Yes, of course." He replies, both of us knowing I was lying. "Although I had thought you would have been more than happy to reveal secrets, that my brother told you in confidence, during... intimate moments, to win the favor of the Salvatore's."

"I might not care about confidentiality, Elijah." I tell him. "But, I am not stupid enough to betray the trust of Klaus."

"I se you are still scared of him." Elijah says.

"I was never scared of him." I correct him. "But, I won't risk more harm to myself just to please someone who will never feel the same towards me."



YOU BROKE ME FIRST  │  STEFAN SALVATOREWhere stories live. Discover now