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"HELLP, JOHN." I SAY, tauntingly, with a smirk on my face. Damon said he wanted my help with getting information out of John, and I was happy to oblige. "How have you been?"

He pales, but quickly hides it, and gain his composure, when he sees Damon beside me.

"You mean, after you sister cut off my fingers?" John asks, bitterly.

"That must have hurt." I tell her, faux sympathy in my voice. "But, you know, I can do so much worse than cut off a couple of fingers. That's amateur stuff, so..." I give him a sweet smile. "Don't piss me off."

Damon looks at me with a smirk, and then turns to John, that smirk turning to a sickly sweet smile.

"So, John. Rumor has it that you know a lot, and won't say anything." Damon says to him.

"How do I know you can be trusted, Damon? Originals can compel vampires. And, according to Stefan, that's why Katherine's still in the tomb, because an Original has compelled her to stay there." John replies.

"Only because all of the vervain had left her system. Stefan and I, on the other hand, are chock full." Damon counters.

"You guys are drinking vervain?" John asks, surprised.

"It's an acquired taste." Damon tells him. "I don't see that magic little ring on your stitched finger, so if you know something about Klaus, you better start talking, or I will kill you in your sleep."

"Is that any way to convince me that you and I are on the same side? First, I need to know that I can trust you, Damon, that I can count on you. Then we'll talk." John tells him, and then turns to me. "And, there is no way in hell she will be there when I start to talk."

John walks away.

"Well, that went well." I tell Damon.

I WALK OUT OF the Mystic Grill, with my dinner in my hands, planning on relaxing and watching TV, when I see a certain blonde opening her car door.

"Blondie." I call, and she turns to me. "Hi."

"Hi?" She asks, confused.

"Listen, I'm on this streak of making amends to people which I've screwed over, and I guess breaking your neck was an unnecessary action." I tell her. "So...I would like to apologies."

She raises an eyebrow at me, skeptical.

"Then apologize." She tells me.

"I..." I grit my teeth, willing the words to come out, but it was way harder then I had thought. "Am sorry." My voice came out strained, and painfully low.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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