Day 15

405 12 13

Thursday, May 24th

As far as work goes, today had been pretty busy. Bright and early in the morning (ew), I got a call from Mitch. Stan had a plan, which I think was created by the big wigs at the CIA because it was dangerous—too dangerous for an unofficial agent. I would've been worried that they viewed me as expendable (who am I kidding? Of course they do.) if Mitch hadn't have explained to me what they figured out about Unichtium. Apart from what I already knew, they learned that the element was practically invincible when it came to creating a counter for it.

What's that mean? Simple.

It means that however we save the world, it has to be done without the aid of diffusion. Not that I wasn't already risking my life for the cause, but now there's an even higher chance that I could accidentally inhale this substance while trying to keep it from spreading through the state and meet a fateful end like those poor rats. I knew my life was in danger from my first meeting with Greg, but I suppose I didn't realize just how likely my death was until now. There was a lot I hadn't done yet. Cliché, I know, but it's true. I wanted to get married, create a family. Maybe even get a dog. Every single goal I had was extremely contingent on me actually being alive.

It was the only thing I'd been able to think about while sitting at the CIA base Stan was at. In fact, Mitch had to tell me again what they'd said after we left. I had a black box in my hand, small and smooth. There was meant to be a listening or recording device of some kind inside according to Mitch. It was my job to hide it somewhere in the warehouse. It was just an added bonus if I came out the other end alive.

Well, he didn't say that exactly, but that's what it felt like they all meant. I know as well as anyone how important subtext is.

When I got to the warehouse, I couldn't even bring myself to get out of the car. I might've looked suspicious just sitting out here if there weren't so many other cars parked in the lot. Surprisingly, the Midnight Stop-and-Shop got a good amount of business from people passing through.

Another 20 minutes passed, and I had yet to exit my safety. I needed a push, so I called Mitch. He answered with a gruff 'hello'.

"Hey, Mitch."

"Elle? What are you doing calling me? Did you finish?"

"Well..." I started, and almost instantly he sighed in response.

"You haven't done it yet, have you?"

I groaned, resting my forehead on the top of my steering wheel. "No. I keep telling myself to get out and do it but-..."


I didn't want to admit my fear and have Mitch look at me differently, but I had a feeling he already knew. "I'm scared."

"Why are you scared?" Weirdly enough, his voice was actually bringing me a level of comfort that I really needed. I didn't bother to ask myself why that was.

"There's so much that could go wrong. I could forget the chip in my car. I could bring it but they find it hidden in my shoe or something when they search me beforehand. I could take it out when I think no one is looking and try to hide it somewhere but I get caught and then Lester will have his goons shoot me in the back of the head. All of these scenarios mean that I will die. I have no way of coming out of this alive. I quit. I can't do this anymore."

"Elle!" Mitch shouted, as if he'd been trying to get my attention all along. "Jesus, is this what it's like inside your head? Fucking christ." The last part he mumbled to himself so I chose to ignore it.


"You forgot a scenario."

"Which one?"

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