Day Unknown Part 1

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Day Unknown

Lester woke me gently, lifting my chin and calling my name. He smiled at me kindly when I was conscious enough. Stepping back, he placed his hands behind his back while I stretched my body out. My muscles were stiff from sleeping in the chair.

I stopped when the memories came flooding back. "Am I dead?"

"No, Elle," he replied, still like the calm before a storm. "You're not dead."

"I must be..."

"Perfluorocarbon is quite an interesting substance, wouldn't you agree, Ms. Walker?" Lester said, though he didn't wait for me to answer. "It's a liquid so oxygenated that humans can breathe when submerged."

"I'm alive?"

"Very much so."

I didn't realize just how much I wanted to live until I had already died, and I sighed heavily. My eyes filled with salty water, building up until they overflowed onto my cheeks. Lester didn't speak, letting me cry until I had worn myself out.

By the time my tears had dried, a number of questions swarmed in my head. It was like I had a refreshed brain, gathering and sorting information until it began to make sense. Things I refused to believe before I could no longer ignore.

"You knew," I said. "You knew I was working for the CIA."

Lester pursed his lips. "Yes."

"How long?"

"The whole time. You're talented, Elle, but you're very new."

I scoffed, shaking my head at myself for thinking I was actually able to pull one over on professional terrorists. "Why didn't you just kill me then?"

He paused, thinking about his answer as he paced in front of me. He didn't seem concerned at all that I would jump up and attack him due to my lack of restraints. "I could have killed you easily. However, I realized that I could use you. Whatever I told you, you would tell them." He waved his hand to dismiss the conversation. "Are you hungry?"


"This way." Lester gestured towards the door, letting me go before him so I wouldn't be able to sneak attack him. He guided me through the halls with his voice, consistently calm and authoritative. I smelled the food before I saw it. I guess with all the commotion, I hadn't thought about how hungry I was, but now I could feel the pains clenching in my stomach.

The room I walked into had a single table with two chairs. It looked like it had been placed specifically for me. Plates filled with food decorated the table, but it didn't look appetizing. I didn't have much room to be picky unless I wanted to starve.

Lester joined me at the table, though he didn't have any food in front of him. He probably didn't want to eat this prison slop. I pushed around the potato flakes, occasionally forcing myself to take bites. It didn't taste as bad as it looked, but finally putting food in my stomach was slightly painful.

"Lester, why do you do this?" I asked, uncomfortable with the silence and his relentless gaze.

"Do what?"

I rolled my eyes. "You know what. This—the Midnight Anarchists. Why do you do it?"

He placed the tip of his pointer finger on his chin, a contemplative look on his face. "You've heard of Delta Force? Seal Team 6?"


"Ever heard of SHE?"

"Well, yeah. The warhead was named SHE."

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