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sunwoo and eric had arrived back at eric's house not too long after sunwoo got chanhees number, and they were now just chilling in his living room, watching random videos on youtube.

sunwoo had been staring at his phone screen for what seemed like hours and eric was starting to get slightly concerned for his best friend. "uh... you good sunwoo? you've been staring at your phone for like- almost 15 minutes now."

sunwoo was too busy looking at his phone to reply.

sunwoo was still in disbelief that he actually had the courage to ask chanhee for his number and that chanhee actually gave it to him. "i still can't believe i have his number."

eric rolled his eyes but non the less, smiled. he was genuinely happy for sunwoo. he finally got his crushes number after so many years of liking chanhee and he was really proud of him. "what are you gonna do now?" questioned eric, and sunwoo already knew what he was going to do.

"i'm gonna text him, duh."

eric shook his head with his arms crossed. he snatched sunwoos phone out of his hand and sunwoo almost hit eric in the face in response. "didn't you hear chanhee? he said if you text him uselessly, he's gonna block your number and all of your efforts are go down the drain."

eric was right, but sunwoo didn't want to admit that. "i'll just message him that i found the book." sunwoo said, cheekily smiling as he grabbed his phone back. eric furrowed his eyebrows, "didn't you loose it though?"

sunwoo then began to chuckle mischievously, "well.. when chanhee and i were searching for it in my room- i kinda found it. but i slipped it under my bed so he could stay longer."

"seriously sunwoo?"

sunwoo nodded, being all too proud of himself. sunwoo pretty much knew the book was somewhere in his room under all of the mess, but he still acted like he had no clue where it was so he could use that as an excuse to get chanhee to come over. "i know, i'm a genius."

eric laughed and snorted a bit and sunwoo scowled at eric. "i wouldn't call you a genious but i guess you have your moments. just not when it comes to chanhee, though."

sunwoo stuck his tongue out at eric as he reached over to the coffee table to take a sip of his apple juice. "i'm very smart, but thanks for the words of encouragement."

after a few minutes passed, sunwoo had decided to finally message chanhee. he was nervous and his heart began to beat furiously, but he needed to text him.

right when sunwoo left the café with chanhees number in his phone, he almost instinctively changed chanhees contact name on his phone. he found it pretty cheesy to change his contact name to what he did, but he honestly didn't care.

chanhee <3


chanhee <3:
what do you want

i just wanted to tell you
that i found the book (^o^)

chanhee <3:
well that's good to hear
where was it?

uh it was in my moms room
i guess she was reading it 😅

chanhee <3:
you should've asked your
mom where it was stupid

oh well i already found it heh

just friends. //. sunnewWhere stories live. Discover now